
"to be solved" in Spanish

"to be solved" in Spanish
resolverse{r. v.}
The current situation should be solved in a peaceful manner without any violence.
La situación actual debe resolverse de manera pacífica, sin violencia.
Similarly, it cannot be solved solely by means of social policy.
Tampoco puede resolverse exclusivamente por medio de la política social.
The problem could initially be solved with supply contracts.
El problema podría resolverse inicialmente mediante contratos de suministro.

Context examples for "to be solved" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
If a number of problems are to be solved, we have to approve the report tomorrow.
Si hay que resolver una serie de problemas, tenemos que aprobar el informe mañana.
The problems to be solved by the conference are not technical but political.
Los problemas que debe resolver esta conferencia no son técnicos sino políticos.
The problem can, in fact, only be solved at the lowest possible geographical level.
No obstante, el problema solo se puede solucionar en el nivel geográfico más bajo.
We believe that the agreement should be suspended until the conflict is solved.
Creemos que el acuerdo debe suspenderse hasta que se resuelva el conflicto.
No conflict is any longer solved with weapons, but political decisions instead.
Los conflictos ya no se resuelven con armas, sino con decisiones políticas.
We have not solved the banking crisis, nor will we by being faint-hearted.
No hemos resuelto la crisis bancaria ni lo haremos si nos mostramos pusilánimes.
It is at a grass roots level that problems will be solved, not in Brussels.
No es en Bruselas, sino sobre el terreno, donde se pueden resolver los problemas.
Problems will never be entirely solved; total satisfaction will never be possible!
Los problemas no se resolverán nunca,¡nunca será posible obtener total satisfacción!
The Chinese Government knows that this conflict cannot be solved with violence.
El Gobierno chino sabe que el conflicto no puede solucionarse con el uso de la fuerza.
This does not mean that we consider all the problems to have been solved.
Eso no quiere decir que consideramos que todos los problemas estén solucionados.
Problems will never be entirely solved; total satisfaction will never be possible!
Los problemas no se resolverán nunca, ¡nunca será posible obtener total satisfacción!
In any case, the European Union has already solved quite different problems.
En cualquier caso, la Unión Europea ya ha resuelto bastantes problemas de todo tipo.
Unfortunately, I cannot promise that this will be solved before the referendum.
Lamentablemente, no puedo prometerles que este asunto se resolverá antes del referendo.
Does this mean that if we have ownership unbundling all of this will be solved?
¿Quiere eso decir que, si tenemos separación de propiedad, todo eso se va a solucionar?
Problems can only be solved by joining our forces, not by fragmenting them.
Los problemas solo podrán solucionarse aunando esfuerzos, no fragmentándolos.
We have overcome the challenge of enlargement and solved significant internal problems.
Hemos superado el reto de la ampliación y resuelto importantes problemas internos.
That is indeed a problem, and it cannot be solved by removing the pressure.
Ello constituye realmente un problema, y no puede solucionarse retirando la presión.
There is another border problem that has regrettably not yet been solved.
Existe otro problema fronterizo que, lamentablemente, aún no ha sido resuelto.
Despite this, I do think that we have not solved the problem by a long way.
Pese a esto, realmente creo que todavía no hemos resuelto el problema en gran parte.
And the problem will not be solved by a few meetings, however regular they may be.
Y, por supuesto, el problema no lo resuelven algunos encuentros, aunque sean regulares.