
"temblor" in English

un segundo temblor siguió inmediatamente al primero
a second tremor followed hard on the heels of the first
No hubo aumento de la cantidad de náuseas, vómitos o temblores, en los pacientes tratados con anticolinérgicos.
There was no increase in the amount of nausea, vomiting or tremor in patients treated with anticholinergics.
A día de hoy, un año después del segundo temblor más devastador en la historia de la humanidad, las huellas del desastre todavía son dolorosamente evidentes.
Today, a year on from the second most devastating tremor in the history of humankind, the signs of the disaster are still painfully evident.
La Comisión no le ha presentado todavía al Consejo la propuesta para tomar las decisiones sobre la reconstrucción de las zonas afectadas por los temblores.
So far, the Commission has not sent the Council a proposal for a decision on the reconstruction of the areas affected by the Greek earthquake.
Han sido dañados más de mil edificios históricos durante los temblores y eso es naturalmente -como decía el Sr. Grazini- un golpe considerable para la herencia cultural europea, no sólo la italiana.
Over a thousand historic buildings were damaged in the earthquakes and as Mr Graziani said that is clearly a severe blow to Europe's and not just to Italy's cultural heritage.
Vamos a volver a distribuir, a repartir estos créditos para hacer los trabajos necesarios después del temblor de tierra.
We are going to redistribute and redeploy these appropriations in order to carry out the works necessary in the aftermath of the earthquake, and these works shall be subsidised on average up to 80%.
shiver{noun} [coll.]
catch{noun} (in voice)
quake{noun} [coll.] (earthquake)
40 000 personas han perdido sus hogares a causa del temblor principal y de las numerosas réplicas.
Up to 40 000 people were made homeless by the main quake and numerous aftershocks.
El temblor dañó docenas de edificios medievales y destrozó en diez mil piezas los frescos que cubrían las paredes y el techo de la Basílica de San Francisco.
The quake damaged dozens of medieval buildings and shattered into tens of thousands of pieces the frescoes that covered the walls and ceiling of the Basilica of St.
quaver{noun} (in voice)
quiver{noun} (movement)
shakiness{noun} (of hands, voice)
unsteadiness{noun} (of hand)
unsteadiness{noun} (of voice)
medicamentos para controlarle el temblor de las manos
drugs to control the shaking of his hands

Context examples for "temblor" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
un segundo temblor siguió inmediatamente al primero
a second tremor followed hard on the heels of the first
medicamentos para controlarle el temblor de las manos
drugs to control the shaking of his hands
Resultado: el temblor de las ovejas se ha propagado al ganado vacuno en forma de EEB.
It is not just the cows that went mad, and as a result, ovine scrapie spread to bovine animals in the form of BSE.
Los agonistas beta2 pueden causar efectos adversos, como temblor, estremecimientos y nerviosismo.
The trials were of short duration (three to seven days) and only two used inhaled beta2-agonists (which is now the usual administration route for adults and older children).
Aparte de una mayor tasa del temblor, las dos opciones parecen seguras aunque rara vez se monitorizaron los efectos adversos asociados con el tratamiento con CSI a largo plazo.
These trends raised concern about the safety of combination therapy in view of modest improvement in children under the age of 12 years.