
"stroke of genius" in Spanish

"stroke of genius" in Spanish
Launching Europe through economics, through coal and steel, through trade was a stroke of genius by the founding fathers.
Comenzar Europa por la economía, por el carbón y el acero, por el comercio, fue una genialidad de los padres fundadores.
batatazo{m} [Col.] (idea genial)

Context examples for "stroke of genius" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
this apparently mad gamble turned out to be a stroke of genius
lo que parecía ser una locura resultó un golpe genial
I think it was a great stroke of genius for us to draw a distinction between equity and non-equity securities.
Creo que ha sido muy acertado establecer la distinción entre valores participativos y no participativos.
it was a stroke of genius
fue un chispazo de ingenio