
"small talk" in Spanish

"small talk" in Spanish

Context examples for "small talk" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Like him, I will skip the small talk and get straight down to business.
Como él, pasaré por alto los temas triviales e iré directamente al grano.
Go and talk to small businessmen.
Vayan y hablen con los pequeños empresarios.
I made small talk with her
traté con ella de alguna bagatela
we just made small talk
hablamos de trivialidades
The report does not breathe a word about that, because it would mean admitting that all the talk about small businesses is just a popularity-seeking justification for granting aid to big business.
El informe no dice palabra al respecto ya que tendría que reconocer que la mención de las pequeñas empresas sólo es la justificación demagógica de las ayudas que se conceden a las grandes.