
"religiously" in Spanish

Not for agriculture, since that must be paid religiously, being an obligatory expense.
No en la agricultura, pues esta hay que pagarla religiosamente, porque es un gasto obligatorio.
Norway's trade agreement religiously protects both its fishing and farming, and Norway is not a minnow.
El acuerdo comercial de Noruega protege religiosamente su pesca y su agricultura y Noruega no es un pez pequeño.
she writes religiously every week
escribe religiosamente todas las semanas
con religiosidad{adv.} [rel.]
she calls me religiously every week
me llama con religiosidad todas las semanas
The preamble of the text acknowledges Europe's religious inheritance.
El preámbulo del texto reconoce el legado religioso europeo.
nevertheless characterised by particular traits of their religious or
peculiares de su estado de vida religioso o consagrado.
talk, nor vague religious sentiment, but new life in Christ instilled by
la fe no es un discurso abstracto ni un vago sentimiento religioso, sino
of the gift of being called to the priesthood and the religious life, which the
el don de la llamada al sacerdocio y a la vida religiosa, que tanto
Regrettably, no part of the world is spared from the scourge of religious intolerance.
Lamentablemente, ninguna región del planeta se libra de la plaga de la intolerancia religiosa.
Before the vote on the resolution on religious freedom in China
Antes de la votación sobre la libertad religiosa en China
religioso{adj. m}
Religious fanaticism there is recruiting numerous reserves of fighters.
El fanatismo religioso está reclutando numerosas reservas de militantes.
ancestors and community traditions, the religious sense of life and death as
sentido religioso de la vida y de la muerte, que se expresa en celebraciones
Sometimes the disputes and conflicts which ensue take on a religious character.
A veces las disputas y los conflictos que derivan de ellas toman un matiz religioso.

Synonyms (English) for "religiously":
Context examples for "religiously" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Parliament’s going religiously through the motions is not, in my view, evidence of good democratic health.
El ritual mágico de este Parlamento no es, a mi entender, una prueba de buena salud democrática.
Parliament ’ s going religiously through the motions is not, in my view, evidence of good democratic health.
El ritual mágico de este Parlamento no es, a mi entender, una prueba de buena salud democrática.
Turkey is not similar to Europe, neither geographically, historically, culturally nor religiously.
Turquía no está entroncada con Europa, ni por la geografía, ni por la historia, ni por la cultura, ni por la religión.
she calls me religiously every week
me llama con religiosidad todas las semanas
she writes religiously every week
escribe religiosamente todas las semanas
I'm not religiously inclined
no tengo inclinaciones religiosas
Experts on this region are of the opinion that this is more to do with crime than with religiously motivated international terrorism.
Los expertos en esta región opinan que esto está más relacionado con la delincuencia que con el terrorismo internacional por razones de religión.
I must therefore ask you to stick religiously to your speaking time, so as to ensure that the sitting now proceeds in an orderly manner.
Por consiguiente, debo rogarles que se atengan estrictamente a la duración de su turno de palabra a fin mantener un decurso ordenado de la sesión.