
"religiosamente" in English

"religiosamente" in English
religiosa{adjective feminine}
No en la agricultura, pues esta hay que pagarla religiosamente, porque es un gasto obligatorio.
Not for agriculture, since that must be paid religiously, being an obligatory expense.
El acuerdo comercial de Noruega protege religiosamente su pesca y su agricultura y Noruega no es un pez pequeño.
Norway's trade agreement religiously protects both its fishing and farming, and Norway is not a minnow.
escribe religiosamente todas las semanas
she writes religiously every week
faithfully{adv.} (regularly)
religious{noun} (nun)
el don de la llamada al sacerdocio y a la vida religiosa, que tanto
of the gift of being called to the priesthood and the religious life, which the
Lamentablemente, ninguna región del planeta se libra de la plaga de la intolerancia religiosa.
Regrettably, no part of the world is spared from the scourge of religious intolerance.
Antes de la votación sobre la libertad religiosa en China
Before the vote on the resolution on religious freedom in China
término inusitado en la historia de la Iglesia, donde la religiosa,
expression not common in the Church's history, in which a sister, a nun, is
subordinación indebida hacia las monjas, a fin de que ellas decidan con libertad de espíritu y sentido de responsabilidad en lo relativo a su vida religiosa.
order that the nuns may make decisions regarding all that concerns their religious life with freedom of spirit and a sense of responsibility.
A Clara y sus hermanas se las llama esposas del Espíritu Santo: término inusitado en la historia de la Iglesia, donde la religiosa, la monja siempre es calificada como esposa de Cristo.
Clare and her sisters are called "spouses of the Holy Spirit": an expression not common in the Church's history, in which a sister, a nun, is always described as the "spouse of Christ".
religiosa{adjective feminine}

Context examples for "religiosamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
No en la agricultura, pues esta hay que pagarla religiosamente, porque es un gasto obligatorio.
There is, I think, a lack of active presidency at Council level.
tienes que hacerlo todos los días religiosamente
you must be religious about doing it every day
escribe religiosamente todas las semanas
she writes religiously every week