
"potato producer" in Spanish

"potato producer" in Spanish

Context examples for "potato producer" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Poland, the EU’s largest potato producer, was given as an example during the debate.
Polonia, el mayor productor de patata de la UE, se ha puesto como ejemplo en el debate.
Despite being a traditional producer of potato starch, Poland now has to import it.
A pesar de ser un productor tradicional de fécula de patata, ahora Polonia tiene que importarla.
Poland is the leading potato producer in the Union, yet it has become an importer of potato starch.
Polonia es el principal productor de patata de la Unión y, no obstante, tiene que importar fécula de patata.
Although large swathes of Poland’s potato-growing areas have been abandoned, the country remains the leading potato producer.
Si bien en este país se han abandonado grandes extensiones de cultivo de patatas, el país sigue siendo el mayor productor.
Poland was a leading European potato producer for many years, taking second place only to Germany and France, and indeed this continues to be the case today.
Durante muchos años, Polonia ha sido uno de los líderes europeos en la producción de patata, después de Alemania y Francia.