
"pataleo" in English

to kick[kicked · kicked] {v.i.} (person)
¿Cómo podemos arrastrarlos pataleando y gritando para que entren el siglo XXI con todos sus problemas?
How do we drag them kicking and screaming into the 21st century with all its problems?
gritar y patalear
to kick and scream
Hemos visto a mujeres mayores kurdas pataleadas y a fotógrafos y periodistas apaleados.
We have seen elderly Kurdish women being kicked in the head, and photographers and journalists beaten.
to kick[kicked · kicked] {v.i.} (swimmer)
¿Cómo podemos arrastrarlos pataleando y gritando para que entren el siglo XXI con todos sus problemas?
How do we drag them kicking and screaming into the 21st century with all its problems?
gritar y patalear
to kick and scream
Hemos visto a mujeres mayores kurdas pataleadas y a fotógrafos y periodistas apaleados.
We have seen elderly Kurdish women being kicked in the head, and photographers and journalists beaten.

Context examples for "pataleo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
déjame que por lo menos haga uso de mi derecho al pataleo
at least let me have my say
el derecho al pataleo
the right to complain