
"parloteo" in English

chatter{noun} (of monkeys)
twitter{noun} (of person)
chinwag{noun} [Brit.] [coll.]
chatter{noun} (idle talk)
prattle{noun} (of child)
to prattle[prattled · prattled] {vb} [coll.] [ex.]
Los Estados Unidos avanzan con un colt 301 en la cadera, mientras que el Sr. Brittan avanza con las manos a la espalda parloteando sobre el derecho.
The United States of America is advancing with a 'Colt' 301 at its hip whereas Sir Leon Brittan is advancing with his hands behind his back prattling on about the law.
Los Estados Unidos avanzan con un colt 301 en la cadera, mientras que el Sr. Brittan avanza con las manos a la espalda parloteando sobre el derecho.
The United States of America is advancing with a 'Colt ' 301 at its hip whereas Sir Leon Brittan is advancing with his hands behind his back prattling on about the law.
to babble[babbled · babbled] {v.i.} (talk foolishly)
El resto no es más que palabrería, y me temo que la palabrería pueda enterrarnos si el G-20 no produce un resultado más potente que el parloteo que escuchamos a nuestro alrededor.
The rest is just idle talk, and I fear that idle talk will bury us if the G20 does not produce a result that is more powerful than the babble we hear around us.
to blab[blabbed · blabbed] {v.i.} [coll.] (prattle)
to burble {v.i.} (talk meaninglessly)
parlotear sobre algo
to prate about sth
to rabbit {v.i.} [Brit.] [coll.]
(NL) Señora Presidenta, señor Clark, realmente deberían examinar esta propuesta minuciosamente y no sólo parlotear sobre otras cuestiones, ya que lo que están diciendo es todo incorrecto.
(NL) Madam President, Mr Clark, you should really examine this proposal thoroughly and not just rabbit on about other matters, as what you are saying is all wrong.
to witter {v.i.} [Brit.] [coll.]
parlotear de algo
witter on about sth
to witter on {vb} [Brit.] [coll.]
parlotear de algo
witter on about sth
to rattle on [idiom]
parlotear sin parar
to rattle on
to blather {v.t.} (about)
Mientras tanto, no puedo limitarme a escucharle a usted y al señor Barroso parlotear sobre África y sobre lo que tenemos que hacer para ayudar a sus ciudadanos.
While we are at it, I simply cannot bear listening to you and Mr Barroso blathering on about Africa and what we have to do to help people there.
Los Estados Unidos avanzan con un colt 301 en la cadera, mientras que el Sr. Brittan avanza con las manos a la espalda parloteando sobre el derecho.
The United States of America is advancing with a 'Colt' 301 at its hip whereas Sir Leon Brittan is advancing with his hands behind his back prattling on about the law.
Los Estados Unidos avanzan con un colt 301 en la cadera, mientras que el Sr. Brittan avanza con las manos a la espalda parloteando sobre el derecho.
The United States of America is advancing with a 'Colt ' 301 at its hip whereas Sir Leon Brittan is advancing with his hands behind his back prattling on about the law.

Context examples for "parloteo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Sigue sin convencerme el parloteo jurídico, perdóneme que lo diga, en la medida en que todo esto pertenece al Tratado Euratom.
I still do not find convincing the legal drivel - forgive me - to the effect that all this belongs in the Euratom Treaty.
El resto no es más que palabrería, y me temo que la palabrería pueda enterrarnos si el G-20 no produce un resultado más potente que el parloteo que escuchamos a nuestro alrededor.
The rest is just idle talk, and I fear that idle talk will bury us if the G20 does not produce a result that is more powerful than the babble we hear around us.