"overwhelmed" in Spanish
"overwhelmed" in Spanish
overwhelmed(also: awestruck, overcome)
to overwhelm(also: to flatten, to squelch, to swat, to wither)
The Turkish Kurds are fearful of being militarily overwhelmed.
Los kurdos turcos tienen miedo de ser aplastados militarmente.
Macedonia is a small country with various neighbours and a very complicated history, and it has repeatedly been in danger of being overwhelmed by this history.
Macedonia es un pequeño país con diversos vecinos y una historia muy complicada y siempre ha corrido el peligro de ser aplastado por esa historia.
On the other hand, this embargo, our embargo is overwhelming the population by its devastating effects on food supplies, care and education.
En cambio, este embargo, nuestro embargo, aplasta a una población sobre la que ejerce efectos devastadores en materia de alimentación, asistencia sanitaria y educación.
to overwhelm(also: to whelm, to swamp, to crush)
Commissioner, you have overwhelmed us a little with figures, and I admit that they are impressive.
Señor Comisario, nos ha abrumado un poco con cifras, y admito que son impresionantes.
However, they are overwhelming citizens with brutal austerity programmes and allowing the perpetrators to get off scot-free.
Sin embargo, están abrumando a los ciudadanos con brutales programas de austeridad y permitiendo que los culpables salgan impunes.
I couldn’t help but to break down; I was overwhelmed with emotions.
No podía evitar quebrantarme; estaba abrumado con emociones.
to overwhelm(also: to weigh down, to oppress, to overpower)
Have you ever opened a large number of tabs only to find yourself overwhelmed when you go back to review them?
¿Alguna vez has abierto un gran número de pestañas y te sentiste agobiado cuando quisiste ver toda la información?
You who are overwhelmed and cannot find rest for your soul, rejoice, because you will find rest and comfort in the Lord.
Tú que estás agobiado y no encuentras descaso para tu alma: alégrate, porque en el Señor encontrarás descanso y consuelo.
In our own countries we have allowed crime to overwhelm us.
Nuestros países han dejado que la delincuencia se desborde.
Many agencies have been overwhelmed with offers of help.
Numerosos organismos se han visto desbordadas por los ofrecimientos de ayuda.
In other words, anything that is going to alert us to the fact that there are problems before the problems overwhelm the European economies.
Es decir, con todo aquello que nos va a alertar de que hay problemas antes de que los problemas desborden a las economías europeas.
Mr President, I must confess when I hear phrases about Europe being overrun and overwhelmed it fills me with absolute horror about the quality of the debate in this Parliament.
Señor Presidente, debo confesar que cuando oigo cosas como que Europa está siendo invadida y dominada, siento un profundo horror acerca de la calidad del debate en este Parlamento.
to overwhelm(also: to satiate, to annoy)
to overwhelm(also: to furl, to infold, to devastate)
Europe must make a great effort to use this means of exchange only to guarantee the welfare of the people and not be overwhelmed by it.
Europa deberá hacer un gran esfuerzo para utilizar este medio sólo para garantizar el bienestar de la gente, sin dejarse arrollar por ella.
On the pretext of trying to simplify asylum rules and procedures, Brussels is in the process of creating a whole legal arsenal designed to overwhelm Europe.
. – So pretexto de simplificar procedimientos y regímenes de asilo, Bruselas está creando todo un arsenal jurídico destinado a arrollar a Europa.
Without this reorientation the Ombudsman's role, however worthy, can only be overwhelmed by our democratic deficit.
Sin esta reorientación, el papel del Defensor del Pueblo, aunque respetable, no podrá sino ser arrollado por nuestro déficit democrático.
to overwhelm(also: to flood, to inundate, to overflow, to deluge)
We must be more ambitious than that, otherwise emissions from these countries will overwhelm us in the future.
Debemos ser más ambiciosos que eso, si no queremos que las emisiones de esos países nos inunden en el futuro.
We may shortly be overwhelmed by so-called healthy food, originating from China for example.
Pronto podríamos vernos inundados de alimentos pretendidamente sanos procedentes de China, por ejemplo.
No one is fooled by this small number of complaints, particularly not the human rights associations which are being overwhelmed by thousands of calls.
Nadie se deja engañar respecto del escaso número de denuncias, y menos aún las asociaciones de defensa de los derechos humanos, que están inundadas de miles de peticiones.
Context examples for "overwhelmed" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
They are being overwhelmed by alternate feelings of surprise and disappointment.
Sorpresas y desilusiones se alternan con mucha velocidad.
The Committee on Transport has not allowed itself to be overwhelmed by these restrictions.
La Comisión de Transportes no se ha guiado por estas limitaciones.
People often feel overwhelmed and alone when confronted with a cancer diagnosis.
A menudo, las personas tienen la sensación de que el diagnóstico de cáncer les supera y se sienten solas.
Then Pharaoh followed them with his armies, and the sea overwhelmed them and covered them up completely.
porque Faraón había extraviado a su pueblo y no les había guiado rectamente.
Jn 21,3), you too will sometimes be overwhelmed by dejection.
Jn 21, 3), también vosotros podéis sentir a veces el desaliento.
These people are overwhelmed and are calling on us to act.
Se trata de personas abatidas que nos urgen a actuar.
he's overwhelmed by the burden of so much responsibility
está abrumado por el peso de tanta responsabilidad
they were overwhelmed by the sheer size of the problem
los abrumaba la mera magnitud del problema
Events have overwhelmed legislators.
Los acontecimientos han superado a los legisladores.
We are therefore overwhelmed with contradictions.
Nos movemos pues en plena contradicción.
she was overwhelmed by all their kindness
la abrumaron con tantas atenciones
he was overwhelmed by events
se vio desbordado por los acontecimientos
I was overwhelmed by their generosity
su generosidad me dejó abrumado
she overwhelmed him with her arguments
lo aplastó con sus argumentos
he overwhelmed me with his enthusiasm
su entusiasmo me abrumaba
his generosity overwhelmed me
su generosidad me dejó apabullada
I'm overwhelmed
¡cuántas atenciones! estoy abrumado
The road map has not provided the tools with which to prevent the negotiation process from once more being overwhelmed by violence.
La Hoja de Ruta no ha proporcionado los instrumentos para impedir que el proceso de negociación vuelva a estar cargado de violencia.
Employees can feel stressed and overwhelmed trying to juggle all these channels and still work effectively.
Los empleados pueden sentirse estresados y superados por las circunstancias cuando intentan manejarlo todo para trabajar con eficacia con todos los canales.
I was overwhelmed with rage
sentí una rabia incontenible
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