
"no respetar" in English

"no respetar" in English
to dishonour{v.t.} [Brit.] (renege on)
to disrespect{v.t.} [Amer.] [coll.] (law, rule)

Similar translations for "no respetar" in English
Context examples for "no respetar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La mayoría del Grupo Liberal no tiene reparo en respetar ese equilibrio inestable.
Most members of the Liberal Group can tolerate this precarious balance.
La reputación de América Latina de no respetar las constituciones es de todos conocida.
Latin America's reputation for not respecting constitutions goes before it.
De lo contrario, todo se desbarajusta y no podemos respetar el horario previsto.
Otherwise, we are going to get in a complete muddle and off track as far as time is concerned.
No obstante, debemos respetar, por encima de todo, la voluntad de los ciudadanos.
It is now the Council ’ s turn to adopt a more constructive stance.
Se trata de respetar o no el modo en que las parejas deciden organizarse.
It is about whether or not to respect couples' choices about how to organise themselves.
Si los Estados miembros no están dispuestos a respetar las directivas, corte la financiación.
If Member States are not willing to comply with the directives, cut off the funding.
No obstante, debemos respetar, por encima de todo, la voluntad de los ciudadanos.
We must, however, respect above all the will of the citizens.
No basta con respetar las normas del país en el que se encuentre establecido el prestador.
It is not enough to comply with the rules of the country where the provider is established.
Usted no puede decir que quiere colaborar con el Parlamento y empezar por no respetar su voto.
It is no coincidence that today we are adding another reason: democracy.
El Consejo, aparentemente, ya no desea respetar tal compromiso.
The Council, apparently, no longer wishes to honour that commitment.
Usted no puede decir que quiere colaborar con el Parlamento y empezar por no respetar su voto.
You cannot say that you want to cooperate with Parliament and start by not respecting its vote.
No porque tengamos pocas leyes en Europa, sino porque las leyes no se hacen respetar adecuadamente.
Not because we have too few laws in Europe, but because the laws are not properly enforced.
Esto no quita que debamos respetar el trabajo de los demás.
However, this does not of course mean that we are not to show respect for one another's work.
¿Por qué no respetar el orden en el que se debatieron ayer?
Why not stick to the order in which they were debated yesterday?
Aquí hay una voluntad política de generar un conflicto con el Consejo y de no respetar nuestra palabra.
Here there is a political will to create a conflict with the Council and not to respect our word.
¿Quiere decir que el Consejo no piensa respetar sus compromisos? o,¿qué piensa inventarse?
Does it mean that the Council does not intend to respect its commitments or does it intend to concoct an excuse?
Muchas gracias, señora Frassoni; dirigirse al Presidente del Parlamento no le exime de respetar el tiempo de palabra.
All of this is perfectly feasible and will help us to revive the Constitution.
No obstante, sí debemos respetar a nuestros semejantes.
What we must do, however, is respect our fellow men and women.
¿Quiere decir que el Consejo no piensa respetar sus compromisos? o, ¿qué piensa inventarse?
Does it mean that the Council does not intend to respect its commitments or does it intend to concoct an excuse?
no sabía hacerse respetar sino enseñando los colmillos
the only way he could command respect was by being aggressive