
"in the meantime" in Spanish

"in the meantime" in Spanish
In the meantime, we must continue to work on the legislative programmes.
Mientras tanto nosotros debemos continuar trabajando en los programas legislativos.
In the meantime billions of euros will be spent into the next generation.
Mientras tanto, se gastarán miles de millones de euros en la próxima generación.
In the meantime, we have gained bad experiences of this in the Netherlands.
Mientras tanto, hemos obtenido malas experiencias de esto en los Países Bajos.
Arrangements for Bulgaria and Romania are being made for that in the meantime.
Entretanto estamos haciendo los preparativos para Bulgaria y Rumanía.
In the meantime we have to work with the options that are available to us.
Entretanto hemos de trabajar con las posibilidades de que disponemos.
In the meantime, this same Union must not renege on the humanitarian front.
Entretanto la misma Unión no debe incumplir la parte humanitaria.

Synonyms (English) for "in the meantime":
Similar translations for "in the meantime" in Spanish
el- los- la- las
to thepreposition
Context examples for "in the meantime" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
In the meantime, we are in favour of the proposal put forward by the PSE Group.
Entre tanto, estamos a favor de la propuesta presentada por el Grupo del PSE.
However, what has Kostunica done about the problem of prisoners in the meantime?
Ah, sí, se puso en libertad a uno de los prisioneros simbólicos, a la Sra.
In the meantime, there are now over 5 million young people taking synthetic drugs.
Entre tanto, más de cinco millones de jóvenes consumen drogas sintéticas.
There is contradictory information about what will happen in the meantime.
Se oyen opiniones contradictorias respecto a qué va a pasar en el intervalo.
In the meantime, 10 % of Indian exporters have successfully applied for a Rugmark licence.
El 10 % de los exportadores indios han conseguido ya una licencia de la Rugmark.
In the meantime, the Council’ s proposal has undergone several amendments.
Desde entonces, la propuesta del Consejo ha sido objeto de varias enmiendas.
In the meantime, three generations have already been sacrificed, and what do we do?
Entre tanto, tres generaciones sacrificadas ya, y ¿qué hacemos nosotros?
In the meantime, the Council’s proposal has undergone several amendments.
Desde entonces, la propuesta del Consejo ha sido objeto de varias enmiendas.
We must not tie ourselves down too early, a lot can happen in the meantime.
No debemos comprometernos prematuramente, aún pueden suceder muchas cosas.
In the meantime, it transpired that the system would be unable to operate at all.
Entre tanto, resultó que el sistema el sistema no iba a ser capaz de funcionar en absoluto.
In the meantime, there is no more room for free trade and the opening up of new markets.
En todo esto no queda sitio para el libre comercio y la apertura de nuevos mercados.
Mr Aristide carried the hopes of many, but we can all see what has happened in the meantime.
¿Por qué ha evolucionado así la parte occidental de la gran isla de La Española?
But in the meantime, they may not export foodstuffs that do not meet those standards.
Pero entre tanto no están autorizados a exportar alimentos que no cumplan estas normas.
Therefore, in the meantime the current financing agreements will have to be applied.
Por lo tanto, entre tanto, se tendrá que aplicar la actual financiación.
In the meantime, however, they will, of course, have disappeared and gone underground.
Pero entre tanto, evidentemente habrán desaparecido en la clandestinidad.
We agreed to implement the rules for three months, and in the meantime to keep monitoring it.
Hemos aceptado aplicar el Reglamento durante tres meses, analizarlo entre tanto.
Meantime a special Union envoy on the Middle East has been appointed.
Entre tanto la Unión ha designado un enviado especial para el Oriente Próximo.
It is very much to be hoped that this humanitarian problem can be settled in the meantime.
Es muy deseable que el problema humanitario actual se solucione antes de esta fecha.
In the meantime, on 26 June, we received a new, additional report.
Entre tanto, concretamente el 26 de junio, recibimos un nuevo informe adicional.
In the meantime, the Presidency, too, has issued a statement on this.
Por su parte, la Presidencia también ha emitido una declaración al respecto.