
"deceased" in Spanish

deceased(also: dead)
For example, if the donor is deceased, some presume consent whereas others do not.
Por ejemplo, si el donante ha fallecido, en algunos países se presupone que ha dado su consentimiento, mientras que otros no.
the deceased lived in Tucumán
el fallecido residía en Tucumán
In one system, it is presumed that the deceased donor would have consented to the transplantation.
En un sistema, se supone que los donantes fallecidos habrían consentido el trasplante.
she always carried a photograph of her deceased husband with her
llevaba siempre consigo una foto de su difunto marido
what was your relationship to the deceased?
¿qué relación de parentesco le unía al difunto?
what relation were you to the deceased?
¿qué relación de parentesco le unía al difunto?
finado{m} [form.]
causante{m} [law] (de una sucesión)
the estate of the deceased
el patrimonio del causante
fallecida{adj. f}
I ask you, colleagues, as a mark of respect for the deceased Queen Mother, to observe one minute's silence.
Les pido, colegas, como señal de respeto por la fallecida Reina Madre, que guarden un minuto de silencio.
if the deceased received a pension from just one EU country, that country will pay any death grant
si la persona fallecida recibía pensión de un solo país de la UE, ese será el que, en su caso, pague el subsidio por defunción
On behalf of the European Parliament, I would like to express our sympathy and condolences to the family and friends of the deceased.
En nombre del Parlamento Europeo, me gustaría transmitir nuestra compasión y condolencia a la familia y a los amigos de la fallecida.
difunto{adj. m}
she always carried a photograph of her deceased husband with her
llevaba siempre consigo una foto de su difunto marido
what was your relationship to the deceased?
¿qué relación de parentesco le unía al difunto?
what relation were you to the deceased?
¿qué relación de parentesco le unía al difunto?
deceased(also: late)
difunta{adj. f}
the deceased
la difunta
deceased(also: late)
extinto{adj.} [LAm.] [form.] (difunto)
muerto{adj.} [med.]
MrPresident, I believe that the European Parliament has a duty to respect the deceased.
SeñorPresidente, opino que el Parlamento Europeo tiene la obligación de respetar a los muertos.
Secondly, respect for the human body must be assured with regard to removal from both living and deceased donors.
En segundo lugar, se debe garantizar, en la extracción, el respeto por el cuerpo del donante, ya sea vivo o muerto.
In two of the cases I have very recently heard about, the deceased had been killed under what were considered to be suspicious circumstances.
En dos de los casos que he oído recientemente, el fallecido había muerto en lo que se consideraban circunstancias sospechosas.
deceased(also: late)
desaparecido{adj.} [form.] (muerto)
A short while ago at the funeral of an official of the Western European Union, who passed away too soon, a wreath of flowers was brought by colleagues of the deceased.
Hace algún tiempo, en el funeral de un funcionario de la Unión Europea Occidental, desaparecido prematuramente, había una corona de flores de sus compañeros.
to decease[deceased · deceased] {intransitive verb}
For example, if the donor is deceased, some presume consent whereas others do not.
Por ejemplo, si el donante ha fallecido, en algunos países se presupone que ha dado su consentimiento, mientras que otros no.
In two of the cases I have very recently heard about, the deceased had been killed under what were considered to be suspicious circumstances.
En dos de los casos que he oído recientemente, el fallecido había muerto en lo que se consideraban circunstancias sospechosas.
Another, now deceased, member of the CoR is alleged to have been engaged in airline ticket fraud amounting to some EUR 11 000.
Otro miembro, ya fallecido, del Comité de las Regiones estuvo implicado por lo visto en un fraude de pasajes de avión por valor de unos 11.000 euros.
In two of the cases I have very recently heard about, the deceased had been killed under what were considered to be suspicious circumstances.
En dos de los casos que he oído recientemente, el fallecido había muerto en lo que se consideraban circunstancias sospechosas.
Secondly, respect for the human body must be assured with regard to removal from both living and deceased donors.
En segundo lugar, se debe garantizar, en la extracción, el respeto por el cuerpo del donante, ya sea vivo o muerto.

Context examples for "deceased" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
she always carried a photograph of her deceased husband with her
llevaba siempre consigo una foto de su difunto marido
We would like to offer the family of the deceased and all his relatives our heartfelt sympathy and condolences.
Nos gustaría transmitir nuestro más sincero pésame y condolencias a los familiares y parientes de la víctima.
to offer one's condolences to the family of the deceased
ofrecer sus condolencias a los deudos
what was your relationship to the deceased?
¿qué relación de parentesco le unía al difunto?
what relation were you to the deceased?
¿qué relación de parentesco le unía al difunto?
only those closest to the deceased
solo los allegados del difunto
the deceased lived in Tucumán
el fallecido residía en Tucumán
I also welcome the fact that the text proposed recognises that living donation coexists with deceased donation in most Member States.
Además, acojo con satisfacción que la donación en vivo conviva con la donación post mortem en la mayoría de los Estados miembros.
the estate of the deceased
el patrimonio del causante
the deceased's family
los familiares del difunto
William Jones, deceased
el difunto William Jones
home of the deceased's family
casa de duelo
her deceased husband
su difunto marido
the deceased
los decesados
the deceased
los difuntos
the deceased
las difuntas
the deceased
el decesado
the deceased
el difunto
the deceased
la difunta
A short while ago at the funeral of an official of the Western European Union, who passed away too soon, a wreath of flowers was brought by colleagues of the deceased.
Hace algún tiempo, en el funeral de un funcionario de la Unión Europea Occidental, desaparecido prematuramente, había una corona de flores de sus compañeros.