
"crazy idea" in Spanish

"crazy idea" in Spanish
chifladura{f} [fam.]
now he's got this crazy idea into his head that he's being followed
ahora le ha dado la chifladura de que lo persiguen
ocurrencia{f} (idea disparatada)

Context examples for "crazy idea" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
it's a crazy idea, we should try to talk him out of it
es una idea descabellada, a ver si se la podemos sacar de la cabeza
now he's got this crazy idea into his head that he's being followed
ahora le ha dado la chifladura de que lo persiguen
Let us stop this crazy idea now before the so-called rich Member States end up totally impoverished.
Pongamos fin a esta locura antes de que los llamados Estados miembros ricos terminen totalmente empobrecidos.
she has got this crazy idea into her head
ha dado en esta locura
I do not think that this idea is crazy because it is in our DNA, in the nature of our political project: in the nature of our political project because it embraces solidarity.
No creo que sea una idea descabellada porque está en nuestro ADN, en la naturaleza de nuestro proyecto político; en la naturaleza de nuestro proyecto político porque se basa en la solidaridad.