
"craving" in Spanish

"craving" in Spanish
ansias{f pl}
a craving after the truth
ansias de verdad
she had a craving for chocolate
tenía antojo de comer chocolate
she had a craving for custard
le dio el antojo de comer natillas
Improved nutrient absorption will reduce cravings, boost metabolism, enhance digestion, and support improved elimination of wastes.
La absorción mejorada de nutrientes reducirá los antojos, aumentará el metabolismo, mejorará la digestión y apoyará la eliminación de desperdicios.
sed{f} [poet.]
a craving after the truth
sed de verdad
This advance is a first step towards denying the speculators what they crave.
Este avance constituye un primer paso para negar a los especuladores lo que ansían.
People around the world are craving peace and a renewed sense of security.
Personas de todo el mundo ansían la paz y una renovada sensación de seguridad.
Russia will successfully exploit Western credulity, it craves revenge against the West wherever that is possible.
Rusia conseguirá aprovechar la credulidad Occidental, ansía vengarse de Occidente, donde sea posible.
to crave[craved · craved] {transitive verb}
People crave water, food and medicine.
La gente implora agua, comida y medicinas.
I really would therefore crave your indulgence.
Por ello imploro su indulgencia.
I would crave your indulgence for this.
Imploro su indulgencia por ello.

Context examples for "craving" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Even in this sector, there would seem to be a craving for free trade.
Los miembros de nuestra comisión han apoyado al ponente en este punto.
Even in this sector, there would seem to be a craving for free trade.
Incluso aquí parece haber un anhelo de libre comercio.
Let me say once and for all and quite clearly, this behaviour is nothing but more imperialist delusions and status craving.
Esto no son más que actitudes imperialistas y fanfarronadas. Hay que decirlo claramente.
Craving some classic rock to cook by?
¿Desea escuchar rock clásico mientras cocina?
she had a craving for custard
le dio el antojo de comer natillas
she had a craving for chocolate
tenía antojo de comer chocolate
I was craving for a drink
me moría de ganas de tomar algo
a craving after the truth
ansias de verdad
a craving after the truth
sed de verdad
As a public service, the public broadcasters are located in the market and must try to compete without craving unjustified privileges.
Pues bien, como servicio público, las cadenas públicas se instalan en el mercado y tienen que poder competir sin aspirar a privilegios injustificados.
And there is among men a type who sells his soul, craving, those things that are pleasing unto Allah, and Allah is kind unto His servants.
Pero existe [también] una clase de hombre que se vende a sí mismo de buen grado buscando complacer a Dios: y Dios es muy compasivo con Sus siervos.
The desire for happiness degenerates, for example, into an unbridled, inhuman craving, such as appears in the different forms of drug dependency.
El deseo de felicidad degenera, por ejemplo, en un afán desenfrenado e inhumano, como se manifiesta en el sometimiento a la droga en sus diversas formas.
And lurk not in every path, threatening (and corrupting) and hindering from the path of Allah those who believe in Him, craving to make it crooked.
Y no acechéis en cada camino [que conduce a la verdad], intimidando y tratando de apartar del camino de Dios a todos los que creen en Él, y haciéndolo parecer tortuoso.