
"convencerse" in English

convencerse{reflexive verb}
países para convencerse de ello: Etiopía, Camboya, Ex Yugoslavia,
convinced: Ethiopia, Cambodia, the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Haiti, etc.
Y sólo hay que ver los pocos oradores inscritos para convencerse de ello.
You only have to look at the small number of speakers to be convinced of this.
Las partes en conflicto deben convencerse de que la violencia no es la solución.
Both parties in the conflict must be convinced that violence is, of course, not the solution.
to assure[assured · assured] {v.t.} (convince)
Quisiera convencer al señor Trakatellis de ello.
I would very much like to assure Mr Trakattellis of this fact.
Puedo asegurarles que estoy convencido de que la Unión Europea cuenta con excelentes mecanismos y medidas.
I can assure you with personal conviction that the European Union has good mechanisms and that we have the measures.
Cada vez que la industria del tabaco convence a un joven, suele contar con otro cliente seguro.
Once the tobacco industry has won over a young person, it is generally assured of another regular customer.
to bring around {vb} (persuade)
to get around {vb} (persuade, win over)
to prevail on {vb} [form.]
Tenemos que convencer a la sociedad turca de que reconozca el genocidio armenio de 1919.
We must prevail upon Turkish society to recognise the Armenian genocide of 1919.
¡Por todo ello, estoy convencido de que la razón vencerá!
That is why I am convinced that common sense will prevail in the end.
Estoy convencido de que tarde que temprano prevalecerán la razón y el consenso y que se utiizará esta cláusula.
I am convinced that, sooner or later, reason and consensus will prevail and that this clause will be used.
to snow[snowed · snowed] {v.t.} (persuade)
to talk around {vb} (persuade)
Evidentemente, estos países han logrado convencer también a la Comisión.
Obviously these countries have in the meantime also managed to convince the Commission.
Por ello, nuestro objetivo fundamental debería ser convencer a las empresas.
Therefore, it should be a goal for all of us to convince the companies.
Es necesario convencer a una enorme mayoría de ellos para obtener la mayoría cualificada.
You have to convince a very large majority of them to get a qualified majority.
Ésta no es la forma de convencer a estos países para que se impliquen en el proceso.
This is not the way to persuade such countries to become involved in the process.
En mi opinión, no debe tratar de convencer al Parlamento para que cambie su postura.
In my opinion, you should not attempt to persuade Parliament to change its position.
Tenemos que convencer a nuestros socios de que emprendan la cooperación Sur-Sur.
We have to persuade our partners to engage in South-South cooperation.
al final conseguí convencer a mis padres
I finally managed to talk my parents round
Cualquier persona con la que uno hable le convencerá de que su propio sistema destaca.
Anyone you talk to will convince you that their system stands out.
convencer a algn de que
to talk sb around to sth

Synonyms (Spanish) for "convencer":
Context examples for "convencerse" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Y sólo hay que ver los pocos oradores inscritos para convencerse de ello.
You only have to look at the small number of speakers to be convinced of this.
Deje de convencerse a sí mismo de que el Tratado de Lisboa es un mal necesario.
Stop persuading yourself that the Treaty of Lisbon is a necessary evil.
Las partes en conflicto deben convencerse de que la violencia no es la solución.
Both parties in the conflict must be convinced that violence is, of course, not the solution.
Tiene que convencerse para que reanude las iniciativas de paz, y las hay por doquier.
They must be persuaded to take up the numerous peace initiatives again.
Ésos son los cepos que el Gobierno canadiense no acaba de convencerse de que son crueles.
These are the traps that the Canadian Government does not agree are cruel.
También el pueblo serbio debe convencerse de esto, si no nuestra iniciativa no tendrá éxito.
The Serb people have to believe that too, otherwise our initiative will fail.
Debe convencerse a Siria de que ratifique la convención que prohíbe la tortura de los prisioneros.
Syria must be persuaded to ratify the convention banning the torture of prisoners.
hay cosas que uno tiene que ver por sí mismo para convencerse
there are some things you just have to see for yourself before you believe them
países para convencerse de ello: Etiopía, Camboya, Ex Yugoslavia,
convinced: Ethiopia, Cambodia, the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Haiti, etc.
hay cosas que uno tiene que ver por sí mismo para convencerse
there are some things one has to see for oneself before one believes them
Para convencerse, basta ver la televisión y leer la prensa cada día.
Anyone who needs convincing of this need only watch television and read the newspapers every day.
Deben dejar de hablar intentando convencerse unos a otros.
You must stop trying to talk your way out of it.
Para convencerse, basta con constatar los resultados que dan esos dispositivos en el sector de la producción porcina.
For proof of this, we need look no further than the results this system has produced in the pigmeat sector.
Esto se aplica a la UE y a los países vecinos, a los que debe convencerse de la importancia de una toma de decisiones conjunta.
This is true for the EU and for our neighbours, who must be persuaded of the importance of joint decision-making.
lo hacen para convencerse a sí mismos
they do it just to convince themselves
Es momento para convencerse que después de la salida de las tropas americanas todavía nos necesitarán durante mucho tiempo.
This is the time to say to ourselves that, after the departure of the American troops, we shall still be needed for a long time.
Debe convencerse a Siria de que ratifique la convención que prohíbe la tortura de los prisioneros.
In this respect, the opening of an electoral process in Egypt which is, admittedly, imperfect and the regained sovereignty of Lebanon are cases in point.
Incluso ha viajado él mismo a Chernobil para convencerse in situ tanto de los avances como del estado del sarcófago.
Not least, he went to Chernobyl in person, in order to see for himself both the progress made and the condition of the sarcophagus in situ.
Para convencerse de ello, basta con recorrer las páginas que la comisión de encuesta del Parlamento Europeo dedica a este episodio.
Anyone in any doubt need only leaf through the pages devoted to that episode by the European Parliament's Committee of Inquiry.
No hay ayuda ni reforma posibles en Serbia mientras este mafioso esté en el poder, y habría que empezar a convencerse de ello.
There can be no aid, there can be no possible reform in Serbia while that crook remains in power, and people must begin to accept that.