
"canoe" in English

"canoe" in English
"canoe" in Spanish
to canoe{transitive verb}
to canoe{intransitive verb}
cano(also: gris, canoso)
gray{adj.} (beard)
cano(also: canoso)
grey{adj.} [Brit.] (beard)
En cada cumbre, siempre vemos una multitud de hombres con trajes grises, hombres mayores con pelo cano, y algunas mujeres dispersas.
At every summit, we always see a sea of men in grey suits, older men with grey hair, and a few women thrown in for good measure.
ley: « Ponte en pie ante las canas, [...] y honra a tu Dios »
commandment: “You will stand up in the presence of grey hairs [...]
Las canas abundan en esta Cámara, y no me refiero a mí, claro está.
There is a lot of grey hair in this Chamber – not on me, of course.
cano(also: canoso)
hoary{adj.} [poet.] (white-haired)
silver{adj.} (in color)
cano(also: canoso)
silvery{adj.} (hair)
canoe(also: dugout, gig)
the canoe floated away on the tide
la marea se llevó la canoa
they canoed down the river
fueron río abajo en canoa
canoe(also: dugout)
trajinera{f} [Mex.]
panga{f} [Ven.] (bote)
piragua{f} [naut.]
If you set out from Cornwall and try to get to Florida in a canoe, you are turning the entire Atlantic into recreational water and I do not think that is worth it.
Si uno sale de Cornualles e intenta llegar a Florida en una piragua, convierte todo el Atlántico en aguas recreativas y no creo que merezca la pena.
I highlight the fact that the British Canoe Union is begging us not to support the extension of this directive to recreational waters.
Pongo de relieve que la Unión Británica de Piraguas nos ruega que no apoyemos la ampliación de esta directiva a las aguas recreativas.
It is djaboï that feeds the Senegalese - the only fish they eat - and it is fished by fishermen in their dugout canoes, at the rate of 400 000 tonnes, with no management of stocks.
La sardinela es el pescado que da de comer a los senegaleses, el único que comen, y se pesca con piraguas, a razón de 400.000 toneladas, sin ninguna gestión de las reservas.