
"to bring to book" in Spanish

"to bring to book" in Spanish

Context examples for "to bring to book" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Then bring your book (writ, record), if you are truthful.
¡Presentad, entonces, esa escritura divina vuestra, si es verdad lo que decís!
did you remember to bring the book?
¿te acordaste de traer el libro?
I'll bring your book back tomorrow
te devolveré el libro mañana
I'll bring your book back tomorrow
te regresaré el libro mañana
I would like to stress that we need to overcome the basic causes of the crisis, and also to bring to book those who contributed to it.
Me gustaría hacer hincapié en que tenemos que superar las causas fundamentales de la crisis, y también castigar a quienes contribuyeron a ella.
I call on Kyrgyzstan's law enforcement authorities to bring to book the perpetrators of the bloody events, while ensuring them a fair trial.
Hago un llamamiento a los servicios de seguridad de Kirguistán para que les pidan cuentas a los perpetradores de estos episodios sangrientos y también para que les aseguren un juicio justo.
But at the same time we know that, no matter how many producers and wholesalers we bring to book, there will always be drug abuse as long as there is a demand.
No obstante, sabemos que, independientemente de la cantidad de fábricas o traficantes que podamos intervenir, se seguirán consumiendo estupefacientes mientras siga habiendo demanda.