
"body shop" in Spanish

Context examples for "body shop" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
This Body Shop policy should now become standard European policy.
Pues bien, la política de Body Shop debe convertirse en la política europea estándar.
Twenty-five years ago, the Body Shop launched cosmetics that were not tested on animals.
Body Shop comenzó a comercializar productos cosméticos no ensayados en animales hace 25 años.
auto body shop
taller de desabolladuras
One result of this could be, for example, a car body shop that only uses ecological paints.
Otro importante concepto adoptado es el grado de fiabilidad técnica en cuanto a la calidad del producto.
After all I would not drive to some posh body repair shop to have my car deregistered, I would go to my local dealer who lives in my village and has been looking after my car for years.
Yo no voy a un representante de automóviles de lujo para dar de baja a mi coche sino que voy a mi vendedor, que vive en mi pueblo y que desde hace años hace para mí tales cosas.