
"atesorado" in English

La zona del euro se enriquecerá a costa del resto del mundo, pero¿damos algo a cambio al resto del mundo aparte de una moneda estable para atesorar y pagar?
The euro zone will grow rich at the expense of the rest of the world, but are we going to give the rest of the world anything in return, apart from a stable currency to hoard and to pay with?
La zona del euro se enriquecerá a costa del resto del mundo, pero ¿damos algo a cambio al resto del mundo aparte de una moneda estable para atesorar y pagar?
The euro zone will grow rich at the expense of the rest of the world, but are we going to give the rest of the world anything in return, apart from a stable currency to hoard and to pay with?
prometidos por Dios, es preciso ante todo no olvidar, sino atesorar la
first necessary not to forget past experiences but to treasure them.
Queremos promover una comprensión mutua entre jóvenes y la diversidad multicultural que atesoramos en Europa.
We want to promote mutual understanding between young people and the multicultural diversity that we in Europe treasure.
Para tener la paz, que es la síntesis de todos los bienes prometidos por Dios, es preciso ante todo no olvidar, sino atesorar la experiencia pasada.
To have peace, which sums up all the good things promised by God, it is first necessary not to forget past experiences but to treasure them.
Seguramente la delincuencia organizada atesora el dinero en efectivo para sus tráficos ilegales...
I am sure that organised crime networks amass cash supplies for illegal transactions...
Seguramente la delincuencia organizada atesora el dinero en efectivo para sus tráficos ilegales...
I am sure that organised crime networks amass cash supplies for illegal transactions...