
"desinteresarse" in English

"desinteresarse" in English
to lose interest {v.t.} (in sth)
desinteresarse de algo
to lose interest in sth

Context examples for "desinteresarse" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Cuando decimos esto, ¿queremos decir que los poderes públicos deben desinteresarse del tema?
When that was said, was the intention that public authorities should take no further interest in this matter?
Esta Cámara debe insistir en este asunto y debe recordar a la Comisión que no puede desinteresarse por el problema de las importaciones ilegales.
This House should insist on this issue and must remind the Commission that it cannot ignore the problem of illegal imports.
desinteresarse de algo
to lose interest in sth
Sin duda, para Europa, para la Unión Europea, no se trata de desinteresarse por segunda vez de la suerte desgraciada del pueblo camboyano.
It is certainly not a question, for Europe, for the European Union, for the European Parliament, of ignoring for a second time the fate of the unhappy Cambodian people.