
"alarmantemente" in English

"alarmantemente" in English
alarmante{adjective masculine/feminine}
Los niveles de corrupción son alarmantemente altos.
Levels of corruption are alarmingly high.
Sin embargo, yo albergaba una cierta reserva a la hora de respaldar el informe porque nuestro enfoque presenta hoy una característica alarmantemente sesgada.
However, I had a certain reservation in supporting the report because at present there is an alarmingly one-sided quality in our approach.
En primer lugar, no vemos una iniciativa clara para reducir el desempleo juvenil, que alcanza unas cotas alarmantemente elevadas en todos los Estados miembros.
Firstly, we cannot see any clear target for reducing youth unemployment, which is alarmingly high in all Member States.
uncomfortably{adv.} (disturbingly)
alarmante{adjective masculine/feminine}
– La situación en el sector del calzado es alarmante, sobre todo en Portugal.
– The situation in the footwear sector is alarming, not least in Portugal.
. - (RO) El índice de catástrofes naturales es alarmante.
. - (RO) The incidence of global natural disasters is alarming.
verdaderamente alarmante, si consideramos no sólo los diversos ámbitos en los
alarming spectacle, if we consider not only how extensively attacks on life are
Se trata de una situación alarmante.
This is a startling situation.
Los datos sobre la obesidad ya se han citado y son alarmantes.
The facts on obesity are startling and have already been quoted.
Las cifras son alarmantes: 2500 millones de personas viven con menos de dos dólares al día y, como he dicho, la mayoría son mujeres.
The figures are startling: 2.5billion people living on less than USD2 per day, and, as I said, most of them are women.
disturbing{adj.} (alarming)
Situación alarmante en la región de Campania en materia de residuos (debate)
Disturbing situation regarding waste in the Campania region (debate)
Igualmente de alarmante es la situación de los efectos catastróficos de las minas terrestres.
Equally disturbing is the situation with the catastrophic effect of landmines.
El tráfico de seres humanos es otro fenómeno alarmante.
A second disturbing phenomenon is that of trafficking in human beings.
frightening{adj.} (increase, delay)
Esta evolución alarmante está relacionada naturalmente con nuestras emisiones y con el calentamiento global.
This frightening development is of course directly linked to our emissions and to global warming.
Desde entonces se ha extendido a una velocidad alarmante y ha provocado la destrucción de miles de animales.
Since then it has spread at a frightening rate, resulting in the destruction of thousands of animals.
Otro es abordar la alarmante disponibilidad de armas, que pudimos constatar en Kabul y en todo Afganistán.
Another is to address the frightening availability of weapons, which was very visible to us in Kabul and around Afghanistan.
ugly{adj.} (unpleasant, threatening)

Synonyms (Spanish) for "alarmante":
Context examples for "alarmantemente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Esto ya era alarmantemente evidente cuando se celebraron las elecciones de 2009 y continúa siéndolo.
This is something that was already disturbingly evident at the time of the election in 2009 and that continues to be so.
Los niveles de corrupción son alarmantemente altos.
The rule of law does not yet exist.