
"retractible" in Spanish

But I do not back down or retract one bit on the need for reform.
Pero no me echo atrás ni me retracto lo más mínimo respecto de la necesidad de la reforma.
Two hours later, the Group of the European People's Party, which had accepted the debate, retracted on the grounds that it had voted by mistake.
Dos horas más tarde, el PPE, que había aprobado el debate, se retractó alegando que se había equivocado al votar.
Mr Barón Crespo has made a completely unfounded accusation here, and I ask you, Madam President, to ask Mr Barón Crespo to retract it.
El Sr. Barón Crespo ha hecho aquí una acusación sin ningún fundamento y le pido, señora Presidenta, que le pida al Sr. Barón Crespo que se retracte.
We are making progress and you are gradually retracting, and that is not good.
Vamos avanzando y ustedes, en principio, se van replegando poco a poco, y eso no es bueno.
A number noticed little points that I had to then retract.
Algunos hicieron observaciones sobre pequeños puntos que tuve que retirar posteriormente.
I would hope that the Member would retract that statement.
Espero que la diputada retire esa afirmación.
I demand that he retract his allegations.
Le pido que retire sus palabras.
to retract[retracted · retracted] {intransitive verb}
retractarse {r. v.}
I am pleased that my statement has caused him to retract those original remarks.
Me complace que mi declaración le haya llevado a retractarse de esas observaciones originales.