
"retraerse" in English


Synonyms (Spanish) for "retraer":
Context examples for "retraerse" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En el caso del mercado de la energía, esto significa que no debe retraerse.
For the energy market, this means not holding back.
Ante un argumento tan importante, uno se siente tentado a retraerse y a negar que pretendiera criticar esta Directiva.
Faced with so substantial an argument, one is almost inclined to shrink back and deny that any criticism of this directive was intended.
Una vuelta a la dictadura del déficit atrapa a las economías, recorta los salarios, reduce los beneficios y obliga a la inversión pública a retraerse.
A return to the dictatorship of the deficit traps economies, cuts wages, cuts benefits and forces public investment into retreat.