
"one-armed" in Spanish

"one-armed" in Spanish
choco{adj.} [Chile] [coll.] (manco)

Similar translations for "one-armed" in Spanish
Context examples for "one-armed" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We have heard one Member demand armed intervention.
Hemos escuchado a un diputado exigir la intervención armada.
As a result of dismissing one third of the armed forces, deep social and economic tensions affecting the entire country have risen to the surface.
A raíz de la destitución de un tercio de las fuerzas armadas, han aflorado las profundas tensiones sociales y económicas que afectan a todo el país.
Mr President, of course I feel sympathy for the 12 British soldiers captured in Sierra Leone by one of the armed gangs plaguing the country.
Señor Presidente, me compadezco, naturalmente, de los once soldados británicos, secuestrado en Sierra Leona, por una de las bandas armadas que hacen estragos en ese país.
Mr President, the Greek Presidency has come along at a crucial time for our planet, and not just because we are on the brink of at least one armed conflict.
Señor Presidente, la Presidencia griega ha llegado en un momento crucial para nuestro planeta, y no sólo porque estemos al borde de, al menos, un conflicto armado.
It is important to be a great economic power, especially one that is armed with a single currency, but that does not guarantee peace, security, or even democracy.
Ser una gran potencia económica, dotada sobre todo de una moneda única, es importante, pero ello no garantiza ni la paz, ni la seguridad, ni siquiera la democracia.
I have the impression that that is clearly the case because, in practice, countries which are even involved in one and the same armed conflict are being treated differently.
Tengo la impresión de que éste, de hecho, es el caso porque en realidad se está aplicando una política de dos raseros a países envueltos en el mismo conflicto armado.