
"no manifestado" in English

"no manifestado" in English
no manifestado{adjective}
unvoiced{adj.} (not expressed)

Similar translations for "no manifestado" in English
Context examples for "no manifestado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
(El Presidente constata que no se había manifestado oposición a esta enmienda.)
(The President established that there were no objections to this amendment)
No me he manifestado públicamente sobre este asunto a la espera del debate.
I have not spoken publicly on this matter while I have been waiting for this debate.
Sobre este punto no se ha manifestado una opinión clara, si se me permite decirlo.
No clear opinion, if I may express it thus, was stated on the matter.
De hecho, el 80 % de los votantes del "no" ha manifestado estar a favor de Europa.
In fact, 80% of 'no' voters said they were in favour of Europe.
El Consejo no adoptará una decisión hasta que el Parlamento no haya manifestado su posición.
The Council will not decide before Parliament has delivered its opinion.
Los votantes irlandeses no se han manifestado, en absoluto, a favor de perder a su Comisario.
The Irish voters by no means declared themselves in favour of losing their Commissioner.
Señora Presidenta, el Comisario no se ha manifestado sobre INTERREG 2c.
Madam President, the Commissioner has not given us any answer on the subject of INTERREG 2c.
Opino que es una lástima que la Comisión no se haya manifestado acerca de los valores límite.
I think it is a pity I have not heard anything from the Commission about threshold values.
Si el Consejo no ha manifestado el deseo de intervenir, hemos de limitarnos a tomar nota de ello.
If the Council shows no inclination to speak, we can only note that fact.
Las autoridades neerlandesas no han manifestado su opinión hasta la fecha.
The Dutch authorities have not expressed a position to date.
Los países no comunitarios ya han manifestado su apoyo a que sean protegidas.
Non-EU nations within the Convention have already expressed their support for protecting these species.
No me he manifestado sobre el tema global de la encefalopatía espongiforme bovina.
I did not say anything about the BSE problem as a whole.
Quisiera subrayar algo que no siempre se ha manifestado.
I should like to underline something that has not always been put into words.
La Comisión lamenta que el Consejo no haya manifestado aún su aprobación de la propuesta del Parlamento.
The Commission regrets that the Council has not yet approved Parliament's proposal.
La Comisión lamenta que el Consejo no haya manifestado aún su aprobación de la propuesta del Parlamento.
The Commission regrets that the Council has not yet approved Parliament' s proposal.
Qusiera resaltar que estos países no han manifestado ninguna intención de firmar esta convención.
I would point out that these countries have not expressed an intention to sign this convention.
Asimismo, los servicios británicos han manifestado que no estaban al corriente de dichas informaciones.
I would add that the British Secret Services also claimed that they had no knowledge of them.
Lamentamos que no hayan manifestado el mismo compromiso con más locuacidad un mayor número de dirigentes de la UE.
We regret that more EU leaders have not expressed the same commitment more volubly.
Lamentamos que no hayan manifestado el mismo compromiso con más locuacidad un mayor número de dirigentes de la UE.
My Group thanks Commissioner Verheugen for the leadership he has shown in this matter.
Estoy de acuerdo con aquellos diputados que han manifestado que no estamos bien preparados para las catástrofes naturales.
I agree with the Members who have said that we are poorly prepared for natural disasters.