
"no conforme" in English

"no conforme" in English
no conforme{adjective masculine/feminine}
no conforme{adjective masculine/feminine}

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Context examples for "no conforme" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Señalaría una vez más que su Grupo, evidentemente, no se mostró conforme.
I would just point out once more that your Group was evidently not in agreement.
¿Quiere usted realmente que la Comisión no cumpla su mandato conforme al Tratado?
Would you really like the Commission to renounce its responsibilities under the Treaty?
No obstante, conforme escucho este debate, surgen dos preguntas bastante importantes.
However, as I listen to this debate, two rather important questions arise.
Sin duda, como sucede a menudo, el resultado no es totalmente conforme a nuestras exigencias.
Of course, as is often the case, the outcome does not fully meet our demands.
Se trata de un procedimiento de dictamen conforme y no de dictamen, como establece el Tratado.
This is an assent procedure and not an opinion procedure as provided for in the Treaty.
Si el artículo no es conforme a lo anunciado, puedes devolverlo a cambio del dinero abonado.
If the product you bought is not as described, you can send it back and ask for a refund.
Y ninguno de nosotros estaría conforme -no me cabe la menor duda- con semejante situación.
And that is a situation with which I am sure none of us would agree.
En este caso, dicha parte no se comportaría conforme a la directiva.
That party would not then be acting in accordance with the directive.
Mi tercera observación se refiere a un punto en que el acuerdo no es conforme al Tratado.
My third comment also concerns a point at which the resolution does not comply with the Treaty.
Sin embargo, no estoy muy conforme con la idea de incorporar disposiciones sociales al texto.
A less appropriate idea is to include social provisions in this text.
No obstante, conforme hemos ido avanzando, el Parlamento ha solicitado una revisión en repetidas ocasiones.
However, as we have moved on, Parliament has called repeatedly for a revision.
No tiene justificación conforme a ningún fundamento jurídico.
It is not a time for statements or debates, but we have listened carefully to Mrs Flemming.
El argumento relativo a la OMC no es más que una excusa para no actuar conforme a lo originalmente prometido.
The WTO argument is just an excuse not to deliver on what was originally promised.
Además, no estaría conforme lo acordado en Maastricht.
Moreover, it would not be in accordance with what was agreed at Maastricht.
Su juicio no fue justo ni conforme con el Estado de derecho.
Their trial was neither fair nor in accordance with the rule of law.
Esto no es del todo conforme con la legislación europea y, por lo tanto, la situación no es buena.
That is not strictly in compliance with European law and, therefore, the situation is not good.
No podemos aceptar un acuerdo o una decisión si en nuestro país no es conforme con la Constitución.
We cannot accept an agreement or decision if it does not conform with the German constitution.
Está claro que Portugal no actuó conforme a la legislación comunitaria.
Clearly, Portugal did not act under Community law.
Por consiguiente, toda referencia en este debate al papel de la Mesa no es conforme al Reglamento.
So all the references in this discussion to the Bureau are not in accordance with the Rules of Procedure.
Al final de ese proceso, se nos pedirá en este Parlamento que concedamos o no nuestro dictamen conforme.
We in this Parliament will be required at the end of that process to give or not to give our assent.