
"no aprovechado" in English

"no aprovechado" in English
no aprovechado{adjective}

Similar translations for "no aprovechado" in English
Context examples for "no aprovechado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Pero el gobierno laborista del R.U. todavía no ha aprovechado este excelente programa.
Yet the Labour government in the UK has not taken advantage of this excellent scheme.
U. todavía no ha aprovechado este excelente programa.
Yet the Labour government in the UK has not taken advantage of this excellent scheme.
Creo que el potencial que ofrecen estas empresas no se ha aprovechado lo suficiente.
I think that the potential offered by these enterprises has not been tapped sufficiently.
Por consiguiente, no se han aprovechado las oportunidades que brinda el Tratado de Maastricht.
We have not made use of the opportunities afforded by the Maastricht Treaty.
No hemos aprovechado esto esta vez y por esta razón he votado también en contra.
This we failed to do on this particular occasion, and that is why I too voted against the amendments.
He de constatar que no hemos aprovechado de forma óptima la oportunidad.
I would note that we have not made optimal use of the possibility.
Hubiera sido, por tanto, un terrible error no haber aprovechado las ventajas de esta oportunidad.
It would, therefore, have been a tragic mistake not to take advantage of this opportunity.
Lo que es lamentable es que no se haya aprovechado suficientemente el tiempo desde entonces.
It is to be regretted that adequate use has not been made of the time that has elapsed since then.
Lamento que no se haya aprovechado la ocasión para posponer el encarcelamiento por motivos humanitarios.
I am sorry that the opportunity was not taken to suspend imprisonment on humanitarian grounds.
Sin embargo, se trata de un potencial que todavía no se ha aprovechado.
However, this potential remains untapped.
¿Por qué, entonces, no se ha aprovechado esta oportunidad?
Why, therefore, has this opportunity not been taken?
Es muy deplorable que no haya aprovechado la oportunidad que se le ha brindado de acudir aquí hoy.
It is highly regrettable that the Council has not taken advantage of the opportunity that it was given to be present here today.
No se ha aprovechado.
The IGC was an ideal opportunity for the Dutch presidency to launch such talks, but it failed to take advantage of it.
Tengo que decir que no la ha aprovechado.
I must tell you that you have not taken it.
Podríamos haber conseguido un acuerdo mejor para el sector del ocio y siento que no hayamos aprovechado esa oportunidad.
We could have got a better deal for the entertainment and leisure sector and I am sorry we did not take that opportunity.
No vale ser tan aprovechado.
You cannot make things so easy for yourself.
Es una lástima de la Comisión no haya aprovechado la revisión para hacer algo al respecto de la larga lista de quejas.
It is a pity that the Commission has not seized upon the revision as an opportunity to do something about the long list of complaints.
Lamento en particular que no se haya aprovechado la oportunidad para comentar la extraña composición del Comité de las Regiones.
I particularly regret that the opportunity was not taken to comment about the odd composition of the Committee of the Regions.
El error básico cometido en el pasado consiste en que no hemos aprovechado las coyunturas favorables del ciclo económico para consolidar las finanzas públicas.
The basic mistake in the past has been that we did not make use the good times for consolidation.
En mi opinión, el FEAG ha demostrado su valía, y mi única preocupación es que los nuevos Estados miembros no lo hayan aprovechado más.
In my opinion, the EGF has proved its worth, and my only concern is that the new Member States have not made greater use of it.