
"monetary control" in Spanish

"monetary control" in English
Other instruments of monetary control
Otros instrumentos de control monetario
They will continue to be credit institutions and therefore fall within the monetary control of the European Central Bank in the euro-zone.
Seguirán siendo instituciones de crédito y, por consiguiente, entrarán dentro del control monetario del Banco Central Europeo en la zona euro.

Context examples for "monetary control" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Thus, all control over monetary options is being taken away from the people or Europe.
Así, los pueblos europeos son desposeídos de todo tipo de control sobre las opciones monetarias.
Once inflation has been brought under control, monetary policy can contribute to economic growth.
Una vez controlada la inflación, la política monetaria puede contribuir al crecimiento económico.
Other instruments of monetary control
Otros instrumentos de control monetario
The objectives of the monetary policy are to control inflation and to contribute to economic objectives of a general nature.
Los objetivos de la política monetaria son controlar la inflación y contribuir a los objetivos económicos de carácter general.
It needs to be made clear that we need a voice in economic and monetary policy and democratic control of economic and monetary policy.
Hay que mostrar claramente que necesitamos una voz en la Política Económica y Monetaria y en su control democrático.
They will continue to be credit institutions and therefore fall within the monetary control of the European Central Bank in the euro-zone.
Seguirán siendo instituciones de crédito y, por consiguiente, entrarán dentro del control monetario del Banco Central Europeo en la zona euro.
But the most appropriate course of action is for national parliaments to have democratic control over monetary policy via their elected representatives.
Lo conveniente es, no obstante, que sean los Parlamentos nacionales quienes a través de sus representantes ejerzan el control democrático sobre la política monetaria.
The monetary stability control of the ECB is based on the founding treaties of the EC and it should not be expanded through the provisions of EC directives.
El control de estabilidad monetaria del BCE tiene su base en los Tratados constitutivos de la CE y no debe ampliarse a través de disposiciones de directivas comunitarias.
The Bank will control monetary policy, and will do so with one overriding aim: to achieve price stability.
El Banco controlará la política monetaria, y lo hará con un objetivo predominante: lograr la estabilidad de los precios, aunque ello frene el crecimiento o cree desempleo.