
"Minister of Defence" in Spanish

"Minister of Defence" in English
Being Minister of Defence in Germany is the most risky job in the country.
Ser Ministro de Defensa de Alemania es el trabajo más difícil del país.
His brother Magomed Minister for Defence, gave himself up to avoid further bloodshed.
Su hermano Magomed, Ministro de Defensa, se entregó para evitar más derramamiento de sangre.
It refers to what the French Minister of Defence, Charles Millon, said in Sarajevo on Sunday.
Hace referencia a lo que dijo el ministro de Defensa francés, Charles Millon, el domingo en Sarajevo.

Context examples for "Minister of Defence" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Being Minister of Defence in Germany is the most risky job in the country.
Ser Ministro de Defensa de Alemania es el trabajo más difícil del país.
His brother Magomed Minister for Defence, gave himself up to avoid further bloodshed.
Su hermano Magomed, Ministro de Defensa, se entregó para evitar más derramamiento de sangre.
It refers to what the French Minister of Defence, Charles Millon, said in Sarajevo on Sunday.
Hace referencia a lo que dijo el ministro de Defensa francés, Charles Millon, el domingo en Sarajevo.
My fellow Member was minister of defence in one of the Member States, and I also come from the military world.
Mi colega fue Ministro de Defensa en uno de los Estados miembros, y yo también he pertenecido al mundo militar.
I would also like to put on record my appreciation of the first Minister of Defence to address the European Parliament.
Me gustaría hacer constar mi agradecimiento al primer Ministro de Defensa que se dirige al Parlamento Europeo.
Furthermore, as the French Minister for Defence pointed out, there has been progress in the field of defence policy.
También, como señalaba el ministro de Defensa francés, se han producido avances en el ámbito de la política de defensa.
In particular, when will Mr Alain Richard, Minister of Defence, be willing to appear at a part-session?
En especial,¿cuándo estará dispuesto el Ministro de Defensa, Sr. Alain Richard, a comparecer ante el Parlamento durante un período parcial de sesiones?
In particular, when will Mr Alain Richard, Minister of Defence, be willing to appear at a part-session?
En especial, ¿cuándo estará dispuesto el Ministro de Defensa, Sr. Alain Richard, a comparecer ante el Parlamento durante un período parcial de sesiones?
You will no doubt have read yesterday that the American Minister of Defence is already putting obstacles in the way of common European defence.
Seguramente habrá leído las declaraciones de ayer del ministro americano de Defensa que ya pone trabas a la defensa común europea.
Minister for Defence
Ministro de Defensa
Minister of Defence
Ministro de Defensa
Minister of Defence
Ministra de Defensa
At the same time, the German Minister of Defence has stated that NATO is to intervene within three to five weeks, once Milosevic has been notified.
Paralelamente, el ministro alemán de Defensa ha declarado que, dentro de tres o cinco semanas, previa notificación a Milosevic, va intervenir la OTAN.
They now have a home affairs minister and a minister of defence; they have a single system for Value Added Tax and have – on paper at any rate – embarked on the reform of the police.
Al contrario de lo que piensan muchos de nuestros conciudadanos, Bosnia y Herzegovina no es un semillero de delincuencia.
This morning, we learn that suspected terrorists have been arrested in Frankfurt, and the German Minister of Defence said an attack was imminent.
Esta mañana, hemos sabido que se ha detenido en Frankfurt a varios presuntos terroristas que, según el Ministro de Defensa alemán, iban a cometer un atentado inminente.
In accordance with the Geneva Conventions, we are calling for the Red Cross to be authorised to visit the Khambiev family and the Minister for Defence, Mr Khambiev.
De acuerdo con las Convenciones de Ginebra, pedimos que se autorice a la Cruz Roja a visitar a la familia Jambiev y al Ministro de Defensa, el Sr. Jambiev.
As Mr Alain Richard, French Minister of Defence, has already pointed out, he has every intention of addressing the European Parliament on as yet unspecified dates.
Como ya lo dio a conocer, el Sr. Alain Richard, ministro de Defensa, tiene previsto intervenir ante el Parlamento Europeo en unas fechas que aún quedan por fijar.
Recently the Minister for Defence said there had been 77 deaths and that the number of people suffering illness was between several hundred and about two thousand.
Recientemente, el Ministro de Defensa habló de 77 muertos y mencionó que el número de personas que padecen enfermedades oscilaba entre algunos cientos y cerca de dos mil.
I simply wanted to highlight the willingness of the French Government and in particular the Minister of Defence, to debate such matters openly with the European Parliament.
Quiero solamente confirmar la total disponibilidad del Gobierno francés, y en particular del ministro de Defensa, para discutir muy libremente esos asuntos ante el Parlamento Europeo.
I simply wanted to highlight the willingness of the French Government and in particular the Minister of Defence, to debate such matters openly with the European Parliament.
. (FR) Quiero solamente confirmar la total disponibilidad del Gobierno francés, y en particular del ministro de Defensa, para discutir muy libremente esos asuntos ante el Parlamento Europeo.