
"involucrado" in English

"involucrado" in English
involucrado{adjective masculine}
involucrar{transitive verb}
involucrado{adjective masculine}
Además, el Gobierno de Haití no ha estado suficientemente involucrado.
In addition, the government of Haiti has not been sufficiently involved.
¿Se ha involucrado la Comisión, ha participado en negociaciones?
Is the Commission involved behind the scenes, or has it been party to negotiations?
un avión sospechoso de estar involucrado en una entrega extraordinaria
a plane suspected of being involved in extraordinary rendition
Hay que involucrar de manera mucho más completa a los diferentes actores.
We must involve all the various interested parties in a much broader way.
Podemos involucrar a la sociedad civil -aspecto éste de tremenda importancia.
We can involve civil society - this is desperately important.
Mi objetivo es involucrar al Parlamento y alcanzar juntos una decisión.
My aim is to involve Parliament and to come to a decision together.
Señor Presidente, la comunidad internacional, y ciertamente también la Unión Europea, está involucrada en un complejo juego de equilibrios.
Mr President, the international community, and certainly the European Union, is involved in a complicated balancing act.

Context examples for "involucrado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Al impedir que el gas llegue a la UE, Ucrania nos ha involucrado en su problema.
By preventing gas from reaching the EU, Ukraine involved us in its problem.
La Comisión se ha involucrado en su preparación desde las primeras fases.
The Commission has been involved in its preparation since the very early stages.
Queremos desarrollar a Europa de tal modo que todo el mundo se sienta que involucrado.
We want to develop Europe in such a way that all people feel they are involved.
El BCE está completamente involucrado en todos los debates del G-7, del G-10 de la OCDE.
The ECB is fully involved in all discussions of the G-7, of the G-10, of the OECD.
He estado involucrado en este asunto desde la conferencia de Río en 1992.
I have been involved with this since the climate conference in Rio in 1992.
Todos nos hemos involucrado en este debate y de él saldrá algo que merezca la pena.
We have all involved ourselves in this debate and something worthwhile will come from it.
En casi su totalidad está involucrado el hombre que vive o ha convivido con la mujer.
In almost every case it is a man who lives or has lived with the woman who is involved.
Personalmente me he involucrado a fondo en el procedimiento de concertación.
I made a very strong personal commitment in the conciliation process.
El Parlamento no está siendo involucrado y no se está adoptando ninguna decisión final.
Parliament is not being involved, and no final decision is being taken.
Sé hasta qué punto se siente involucrado en esto; usted ha hablado conmigo en muchas ocasiones.
I know how personally involved in this you are; you have spoken to me many times.
Cualquiera que esté involucrado en casos de robos será detenido y penalizado.
Anyone who is involved in shoplifting will be caught and punished.
Además, el Gobierno de Haití no ha estado suficientemente involucrado.
In addition, the government of Haiti has not been sufficiently involved.
¿Se ha involucrado la Comisión, ha participado en negociaciones?
Is the Commission involved behind the scenes, or has it been party to negotiations?
La EM ha involucrado el trabajo de más de 1,360 expertos de todo el mundo.
The MA has involved the work of more than 1,360 experts worldwide.
La Comisión se ha involucrado en su preparación desde las primeras fases.
In such circumstances, case-by-case assessment may be necessary to determine the best option.
Aplaudimos a todos aquellos hombres y mujeres que se han involucrado en esta labor.
We salute all those men and women who are involved in this.
El Parlamento no está siendo involucrado y no se está adoptando ninguna decisión final.
For months, we have had the feeling that this is an issue on which Parliament is being strung along.
Considero, por lo tanto, que es extremadamente importante que nos hayamos involucrado en este asunto.
I therefore believe it is extraordinarily important that we have engaged on this issue.
un avión sospechoso de estar involucrado en una entrega extraordinaria
a plane suspected of being involved in extraordinary rendition
Ahora no quiero verme involucrado en el asunto del clima, pero más tarde podemos volver sobre él.
I do not want to get involved in the matter of the weather now but we may return to it later.