
"inepto" in English

"inepto" in English
inepto{adjective masculine}
inepto{adjective masculine}
Si un Estado miembro es tan inepto como para no hacer un uso inteligente de la energía, nunca será competitivo.
If a Member State is so inept that it does not use energy intelligently, it will never be competitive.
La nueva Constitución húngara es un instrumento importante para hacer desaparecer las ruinas que dejaron ocho años de gobierno socialista corrupto e inepto.
The new Hungarian constitution is an important instrument for clearing away the ruins left by eight years of corrupt and inept Socialist governance.
Hay, por supuesto, países africanos que, como consecuencia de la labor de unos gobiernos ineptos, han logrado destruir sus propias economías.
There are, of course, African countries which, as a result of the work of inept governments, have indeed managed to destroy their own economies.
heavy-handed{adj.} (tactless, inept)
inadequate{adj.} (person)

Context examples for "inepto" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Como suele suceder, el poder gubernamental es más inepto que la sociedad humana en su conjunto.
As is often the case government power is more stupid than human society as a whole.