
"industriously" in Spanish

industrioso{adj.} (diligente)
It is perhaps we who have been most industrious in these matters.
Quizás hayamos sido los más industriosos en estas cuestiones.
The vast majority of immigrants are industrious, courageous and determined.
La gran mayoría de los inmigrantes son trabajadores, valerosos y resueltos.
In all these places, Europeans were as god-fearing as they were industrious.
En todos esos lugares, los europeos se mostraron tan temerosos de Dios como buenos trabajadores.
Ukrainians are an educated and industrious people, but they enjoy relatively cheap costs and relatively competitive exports.
Los ucranianos son gente preparada y trabajadora cuyo país cuenta con unos costos relativamente bajos y por tanto con unas exportaciones relativamente competitivas.
They have educated and industrious workforces but they have relatively cheap costs and therefore competitive exports.
Cuentan con una fuerza de trabajo educada y diligente, pero tienen costes relativamente bajos y, por tanto, sus exportaciones son competitivas.
They have educated and industrious workforces but they have relatively cheap costs and therefore competitive exports.
Cuentan con una fuerza de trabajo educada y diligente, pero tienen costes relativamente bajos y, por tanto, sus exportaciones son competitivas.
They have educated and industrious workforces but they have relatively cheap costs and therefore competitive exports.
Cuentan con una fuerza de trabajo educada y diligente, pero tienen costes relativamente bajos y, por tanto, sus exportaciones son competitivas.
industrious{adjective masculine}

Synonyms (English) for "industrious":
Context examples for "industriously" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It is certainly true that Mr Le Gallou, in the presence of his lord and master, has been industriously treating us to quotations from the Federal Republic of Germany.
En presencia de su señor y maestro, el Sr. Le Gallou ha expuesto citas de la República Federal de Alemania.
Its representatives are here at the front and are taking notes industriously.
Sólo quiero indicarle que la Presidencia del Consejo se encuentra presente y sus representantes están tomando notas diligentemente aquí delante.