
"hombre libre" in English

"hombre libre" in English

Context examples for "hombre libre" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Cuando vino usted a nuestro Grupo, señor Presidente, dijo usted: soy un hombre libre.
When I came to our Group, Mr President, you said ʼI am a free man.
Cuando vino usted a nuestro Grupo, señor Presidente, dijo usted: soy un hombre libre.
When I came to our Group, Mr President, you said ʼ I am a free man.
Pero un carcelero que se esposa a un prisionero durante treinta y seis largos años ya no es un hombre libre.
A jailer though who cuffs himself to his prisoner for thirty-six long years is himself no longer a free man.
El señorButtiglione, hombre libre y católico de convicción, ha sido sustituido por el señor Frattini, un masón ejemplar.
MrButtiglione, a free man of Catholic faith, has been replaced by MrFrattini, a model freemason.
La situación que vive es una gran vergüenza, ya que él desea ser un hombre libre en su propio país y no puede serlo.
The fate that has befallen him is a great shame, because he wants to be a free man in his own country, but he cannot be a free man in his own country.
– Señor Presidente, señora Comisaria, hace veinte siglos que se proclamó: «ya no hay esclavo ni libre, ni hombre ni mujer».
– Mr President, Commissioner, it is 20 centuries since it was proclaimed 'there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female'.
– Señor Presidente, señora Comisaria, hace veinte siglos que se proclamó:« ya no hay esclavo ni libre, ni hombre ni mujer».
– Mr President, Commissioner, it is 20 centuries since it was proclaimed 'there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female '.
Sobre el tema de tener las "manos libres", señor de Villiers, mi respuesta se dirige a usted, es la respuesta de un hombre libre, incluso en el debate político francés.
On the subject of having a 'free hand', Mr de Villiers, my response applies to you, it is the response of a free man, including in French political debate.