
"hang gliding" in Spanish

I think the European Union should be hanging its head in shame to have agreed to this thirteen years after the wall came down.
Creo que la Unión Europea debería avergonzarse de haber aceptado estos trece años tras la caída del muro.
hang(also: hunged)
colgado{adj. m}
I wept: I would have seen him hanged.'
Yo lloré: ojalá lo hubiese visto colgado».
Anthony writes: “Christ, who is your life, is hanging before you, because you look at the cross as in a mirror.
Escribe Antonio: “Cristo, que es tu vida, está colgado ante ti, porque tú miras a la cruz como en un espejo.
A ship was ordered to continue on its way, despite the fact that the president of merchant fleet engineers was hanging on to its ramp.
Dieron orden de seguir el curso del barco de cuya catapulta se había colgado el jefe de ingenieros de la Marina Mercante.

Synonyms (English) for "hang":