
"green" in English

"green" in English
Green ha pedido la palabra para responder al Sr. Donnelly, ¿no es así?
Mrs Green has asked for the opportunity to reply to Mr Donnelly, I believe.
Green habló a favor de la resolución que se sometía a la votación de la Asamblea.
Mrs Green spoke in favour of the resolution which was put to this Chamber.
Green, como estamos al final del debate, Su Señoría puede hacer una declaración personal.
Mrs Green, as we are at the end of the debate, you may make a personal statement.
verde{m} (color)
In my own country the schools do fantastic work in the area of the green flag.
En mi propio país, los colegios realizan una tarea fantástica en el ámbito de la bandera verde.
Values from -100 % (no green) to +100 % (full green) are possible.
Pueden seleccionarse valores entre -100 % (ningún verde en absoluto) y +100 % (verde completo).
The Confederal Group of the European United Left - Nordic Green Left supports this outcome.
El Grupo Confederal de la Izquierda Unitaria Europea/Izquierda Verde Nórdica respalda este resultado.
Mrs Green has asked for the opportunity to reply to Mr Donnelly, I believe.
Green ha pedido la palabra para responder al Sr. Donnelly, ¿no es así?
Mrs Green spoke in favour of the resolution which was put to this Chamber.
Green habló a favor de la resolución que se sometía a la votación de la Asamblea.
Mrs Green, as we are at the end of the debate, you may make a personal statement.
Green, como estamos al final del debate, Su Señoría puede hacer una declaración personal.
ecologista{m} [pol.]
I say to him today that green rhetoric is not enough, red-blooded action is needed as well.
Hoy le digo al Presidente de la Comisión que la retórica ecologista no basta, hacen falta además medidas valientes.
Thirteen years ago, I was a very green Member of this House.
Hace trece años, yo era una diputada muy ecologista a esta Cámara.
an environmentalist, or green, policy
una política ecologista o verde
green(also: verdant)
verde{adj. m/f}
One important dimension is missing, however: the Green Paper is insufficiently green.
Sin embargo, falta una dimensión importante: el Libro Verde no es suficientemente verde.
On these questions, the Green Paper advances various options for discussion.
El Libro Verde plantea sobre estas cuestiones diversas opciones para ser debatidas.
The Green Paper invites everybody to contribute to this important debate.
El Libro Verde invita a todo el mundo a participar en este importante debate.
glauco{adj. m} [elev.]
MrPresident, let us review REACH calmly, being careful to avoid both naïve green optimism and industrial pessimism.
. – Señor Presidente, revisemos el Reglamento REACH en calma, evitando tanto el ingenuo optimismo verde como el pesimismo industrial.
ecologista{adj.} [pol.]
Thirteen years ago, I was a very green Member of this House.
Hace trece años, yo era una diputada muy ecologista a esta Cámara.
In recent years, the German Green politician Volker Beck has been beaten and arrested at rallies.
En los últimos años, el político ecologista alemán Volker Beck ha sido golpeado y detenido en varias concentraciones.
From a green point of view, the optional mandate in the area of climate change is also very positive.
Desde un punto de vista ecologista, el mandato opcional en el ámbito del cambio climático es también muy positivo.
bisoño{adj.} (empleado, político)
chapetón{adj.} [Peru] [coll.] (inexperto)
primerizo{adj.} [coll.] (poco experto)
I believe that it is right to have a green structural policy, and in the years to come the agricultural policy should also be made green.
Creo que es un enfoque correcto «verdear» la política estructural y que en el futuro se «verdee» también la política agrícola.
I believe that it is right to have a green structural policy, and in the years to come the agricultural policy should also be made green.
Creo que es un enfoque correcto« verdear» la política estructural y que en el futuro se« verdee» también la política agrícola.

Context examples for "green" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Pauline Green; ella sabe cuánto la estimo, pero en este caso no estoy de acuerdo con ella.
She knows how much I esteem her, but in this instance I disagree with her.
Green en cuanto a que esta votación se ha desarrollado con sencillez.
We have now spent more than an hour on just one report, and there are another 19 to go.
Green han hablado con gran entusiasmo - Pauline and Gordon- if it´s so important, why the hell you do not join?
Well, Pauline and Gordon, if it's so important, why the hell do you not join?
No basta con crear simplemente una green card ­como se prevé hacer en Alemania.
A greencard alone, such as that for which provision has been made in Germany, is not a practice which makes perfect.
No basta con crear simplemente una green card­como se prevé hacer en Alemania.
A greencard alone, such as that for which provision has been made in Germany, is not a practice which makes perfect.
Green y el Sr. de Vries lo ha hecho a favor.
Mr De Vries spoke in favour and I think that is sufficient.
Green, a quien describí como la mujer más confundida de Europa, y sigo creyendo que es la mejor descripción de ella.
I described her as the most confused woman in Europe and still believe that is the best description of her.
Creative Zen Micro Photo 8GB Green Media Player
Western Digital Elements Play 1TB Media Player
el curso lo imparte el profesor Green
the course is taught by Dr Green
Queremos que se insista más en la importancia de la las medidas «green box» y se preste más atención al tratamiento especial y diferencial.
We want more insistence on the importance of the greenbox and more attention to special and differential treatment.
Queremos que se insista más en la importancia de la las medidas« green box» y se preste más atención al tratamiento especial y diferencial.
We want more insistence on the importance of the greenbox and more attention to special and differential treatment.
el curso lo da el profesor Green
the course is taught by Dr Green
una mujer llamada Green
a woman by the name of Green
Green para el Estudio de las Artes Decorativas, el Centro de Jacob Burns Foundation y el Centro Pierre Daura.
Over 110 architectural teams from all over the world expressed interest in being considered for the project.
Green como a mí.
I utterly repudiate that!
Mezclas en Green Room
Master of all Trades
para entregar al Sr G Green
attn G Green
Green para el Estudio de las Artes Decorativas, el Centro de Jacob Burns Foundation y el Centro Pierre Daura.
AFRICOM is an NGO based in Nairobi, Kenya dedicated to uniting museum professionals across Africa in order to share knowledge and experiences.
Sustainable practices have also been incorporated into the design with 50% of the roof intended to act as a green roof and plans for the building to be LEED Silver compliant.
The controversy over the 40-story steel and glass building surely was anticipated; the French capital has had a 30+ year drought of buildings over 121ft.
Creative teams behind projects such as Avatar, The Hurt Locker and the albums of Beyonce, Green Day and Taylor Swift among this season’s honorees and winners Learn More >
Fast Track C400 and C600 combine advanced audio interface technology with hands-on controls and monitor management for fast, easy music creation Learn More >