
"ecologista" in English

"ecologista" in English
ecologista{adjective masculine/feminine}
enviro{noun} [coll.]
green{noun} [pol.]
Hoy le digo al Presidente de la Comisión que la retórica ecologista no basta, hacen falta además medidas valientes.
I say to him today that green rhetoric is not enough, red-blooded action is needed as well.
Hace trece años, yo era una diputada muy ecologista a esta Cámara.
Thirteen years ago, I was a very green Member of this House.
una política ecologista o verde
an environmentalist, or green, policy
Se lo digo muy amablemente como ecologista.
I am telling you this very politely as an ecologist.
De este modo se ha evitado una posición ecologista maximalista y, por tanto, poco razonable en el plano económico.
An extreme ecologist position, unreasonable in economic terms, has thus been avoided.
En Francia, el ecologista Nicolás Hulot se convirtió en la personalidad más representativa para la defensa del medioambiente.
In France, the ecologist Nicolas Hulot has become a key representative of the defense of the environment.
Señor Presidente, hablo en calidad de ecologista y de luxemburgués.
Mr President, I am speaking both as an environmentalist and a Luxembourger.
una política ecologista o verde
an environmentalist, or green, policy
Si intentamos hacerlo, esto solo hará que los ecologistas se vuelvan en contra del biocombustible.
If we try and do this, it will only mean that the environmentalists will turn against biofuel.
ecologista{adjective masculine/feminine}
El movimiento ecologista debería dejar de exigir que se ponga fin a la pesca.
The environmental movement should get around to withdrawing its demands for an end to fishing.
El movimiento ecologista está decepcionado con Suecia por no defender los asuntos medioambientales.
The environmental movement is disappointed with Sweden for not standing up for environmental issues.
Establece Montenegro como Estado democrático, liberal y ecologista basado en el imperio de la ley.
It establishes Montenegro as a democratic, liberal and environmental state based on the rule of law.
Se trata de un concepto que pretende conciliar los intereses del enorme lobby ecologista con los del lobby industrial.
It is a concept that seeks to reconcile the interests of the huge ecology lobby with those of the industrial lobby.
se presenta con una plataforma ecologista
he's running on an ecology ticket
Peo ahora un equipo de ecologistas ha mostrado que es posible detectar señales tempranas de peligro que pueden indicar que se va a producir un trastorno de envergadura para su ecología.
But now a team of ecologists has shown that it is possible to detect early distress signals in a lake that foretell a major disruption to its ecology.
green{adj.} [pol.] (politics, revolution)
Hace trece años, yo era una diputada muy ecologista a esta Cámara.
Thirteen years ago, I was a very green Member of this House.
En los últimos años, el político ecologista alemán Volker Beck ha sido golpeado y detenido en varias concentraciones.
In recent years, the German Green politician Volker Beck has been beaten and arrested at rallies.
Desde un punto de vista ecologista, el mandato opcional en el ámbito del cambio climático es también muy positivo.
From a green point of view, the optional mandate in the area of climate change is also very positive.

Context examples for "ecologista" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
se presenta con una plataforma ecologista
he's running on an ecology ticket
una política ecologista o verde
an environmentalist, or green, policy
una organización ecologista
an ecological organization
Señor Presidente del Consejo, es usted el primer Presidente del Consejo cuya legitimidad política descansa en el movimiento ecologista.
Mr President-in-Office of the Council, you are the first President-in-Office of the Council whose political legitimacy is based on the eco-movement.
Todavía resuena en nuestros oídos el grito de alerta que lanzó al marcharse de esta vida el gran investigador y ecologista Cousteau, a quien tantas cosas debe la humanidad.
The outcry made as he departed this life by the great explorer and environmentologist Cousteau, to whom mankind owes so much, is very recent.