
"forrado" in English

lined{adj.} (jacket, boots, curtains)
forrado de mouton
lined with sheepskin
loaded{adj.} (rich)
rolling in it{adj.} [coll.]
No debe ir a parar a manos de dirigentes corruptos que se forran sus propios bolsillos, ni debemos despilfarrar recursos en proyectos e iniciativas sin futuro ni la calidad necesaria.
It must not go to corrupt leaders who are lining their own pockets, nor must we waste money on projects and initiatives that are not forward-looking and of adequate quality.
to face[faced · faced] {v.t.} [cloth.] (sleeve, collar)

Context examples for "forrado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
forrado de mouton
lined with sheepskin
estar forrado
to be on easy street
No obstante, debo decir que éste se halla forrado con bastante enojo.
Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, I can express my ardent support but briefly here, although I have to say that it is tinged with considerable annoyance.