
"disimuladamente" in English

"disimuladamente" in English
Ustedes iniciaron disimuladamente un examen de los tratados europeos, que ayer nos dijeron que eran inviolables.
You surreptitiously initiated a review of the European treaties, which you told us yesterday were inviolable.
disimuladamente le pasó una nota por debajo de la mesa
he surreptitiously passed her a note under the table
disimulada{adjective feminine}
Esta es una forma disimulada de defender una mayor militarización de la política exterior.
This is disguised language for a further militarisation of foreign policy.
propaganda política apenas disimulada
thinly disguised propaganda
una cicatriz muy bien disimulada
a cleverly disguised scar
Así, lejos de fomentar la compra de vehículos de nueva generación menos contaminantes, esa medida es una prima disimulada para quienes poseen los coche antiguos más contaminantes.
So, far from encouraging the purchase of a new generation of less polluting vehicles, this measure is a hidden bonus for those who own the most polluting old vehicles.

Context examples for "disimuladamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
No puedo entender esto, mientras los coreanos se ríen disimuladamente.
I cannot understand it, and the Koreans must be laughing up their sleeves.
disimuladamente le pasó una nota por debajo de la mesa
he surreptitiously passed her a note under the table
disimuladamente le pasó una nota por debajo de la mesa
he managed to slip her a note under the table
le pasé un billete de 50 dólares disimuladamente
I slipped him a $50 bill
miró disimuladamente el reloj
she stole a furtive glance at the clock
le pasó disimuladamente una moneda
she slipped a coin into his hand
le pasó disimuladamente una moneda
she slid a coin into his hand
se miraron disimuladamente
they exchanged furtive glances
Felicito a la Presidencia griega por conseguir añadir esto disimuladamente centrándose en lo que se podía lograr desde el punto de vista político.
I compliment the Greek Presidency, which was able to sneak that in by concentrating on what was politically achievable.
Carecemos de un mecanismo efectivo que se ocupe de los Estados miembros que rechazan disimuladamente los principios de la gobernanza.
We do not have in place an effective mechanism for dealing with existing Member States that quietly reject the principles of good governance.