
"disarmed" in Spanish

"disarmed" in Spanish
to disarm{intransitive verb}
desarmado{adj. m}
Secondly, the KLA was allegedly disarmed in Kosovo.
Segunda: supuestamente se ha desarmado al UCK en Kosovo.
In the weakness of his flesh, Jesus reveals a God disarmed and removed from his sacredness.
En la debilidad de la carne, Jesús revela a un Dios desarmado, desacralizado.
We also know that in West Timor, the Indonesian military have not disarmed or disbanded the militias yet.
Sabemos también que en Timor Occidental los militares indonesios no han desarmado ni disuelto aún a las milicias.
desarmada{adj. f}
In recent years, it has been progressively disarmed.
Durante los últimos años, la sociedad se ha visto cada vez más desarmada.
In our continent all of the states are armed and only international authority is disarmed.
En nuestro continente todos los Estados están armados y sólo la autoridad internacional está desarmada.
The KLA is not being disarmed, at least not completely. Instead, there are still KLA units, only they now put on different uniforms and will still be armed.
La UCK no es desarmada, al menos no totalmente, sino que siguen existiendo sus agrupaciones, sólo que ahora tienen otro uniforme y van a seguir estando armadas.
to disarm[disarmed · disarmed] {transitive verb}
The army have failed miserably to disarm and disband the militia.
Desgraciadamente, el ejército no ha logrado desarmar y disolver a la milicia.
Mr Solana wants to disarm Iraq and hunt down the dictators of the world.
Solana quiere desarmar a Iraq y perseguir a los dictadores de todo el mundo.
It would not of course be a war to disarm Iraq and introduce democracy there.
Evidentemente, no sería una guerra encaminada a desarmar a Iraq e implantar la democracia allí.
to disarm[disarmed · disarmed] {intransitive verb}
The whole point of this resolution is to give Iraq a chance to disarm peaceably.
Esta resolución tiene como único objetivo dar a Iraq la posibilidad de desarmarse pacíficamente.
We believe that both camps must disarm.
Creemos que ambos bandos deben desarmarse.
In this situation - as Mr Patten and Mr Solana have said - the argument is this: if Iraq does not cooperate, we shall have to force it to disarm.
Solana ya lo han dicho- es que, si Iraq no coopera habrá que obligarle a desarmarse.
armado{adj. f}
That is a recipe for disaster and even a recipe for armed conflict.
Esa es una receta para el desastre e incluso una receta para el conflicto armado.
The armed conflict in the area can only be resolved by way of a political solution.
Tan sólo puede haber una solución política para el conflicto armado en el área.
Almost 30 years of armed conflict have wrecked Afghanistan's judicial system.
Casi 30 años de conflicto armado han destrozado el sistema judicial de Afganistán.

Context examples for "disarmed" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
In all honesty, does anybody really believe that the KLA will have disarmed by the 19th of the month?
¿De verdad, se cree alguien que le 19 de este mes el UÇK habrá abandonado las armas?
he was disarmed by her smile
su sonrisa lo desarmó