
"deuda del Estado" in English

"deuda del Estado" in English

Context examples for "deuda del Estado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Otras prioridades son el reembolso de la deuda del estado y la reforma del sistema de pensiones.
Other priorities are the repayment of high public debt and restructuring pension schemes.
¿Tiene la Comisión pruebas de que la deuda del Estado con Olympic Airways se ha liquidado ya?
Does the Commission have evidence proving that the State's debts to Olympic Airways were offset in the past?
deuda del Estado
public sector borrowing
El desempleo en Letonia ha alcanzado el listón del 20 %, el producto interior bruto ha caído un 19 %, la deuda del Estado supera el presupuesto anual y las pensiones se han reducido un 10 %.
Unemployment in Latvia has reached the 20% mark, gross domestic product has fallen by 19%, the State debt exceeds the annual budget, and pensions have fallen by 10%.