
"convencionalmente" in English

"convencionalmente" in English
convencional{adjective masculine/feminine}
Convencionalmente se utilizan biberones con leche materna o leche de fórmula.
Conventionally, bottles with mother's milk or formula are used.
Convencionalmente, la recuperación después de la cirugía intestinal seguía el progreso de los pacientes.
Conventionally, recuperation after bowel surgery followed the patients progress.
Convencionalmente, los pacientes con accidente cerebrovascular realizan una parte considerable de su rehabilitación durante su ingreso.
Stroke patients conventionally receive a substantial part of their rehabilitation in hospital.
convencional{adjective masculine/feminine}
Ésta no es una guerra convencional y no se ganará con armas convencionales.
This is no conventional war and it will not be won with conventional weapons.
La lucha contra el terrorismo no es como una campaña militar convencional.
The fight against terrorism is not like a conventional military campaign.
El ámbito de la medicina no convencional es actualmente un tema muy controvertido y emotivo.
The sphere of non-conventional medicine is at present a highly topical and emotive one.
Este verano estuve en Bulgaria e intervine de forma poco convencional para intentar superar este bloqueo.
The Commission has had regular and in-depth discussions with the Bulgarian Government about these issues and has pressed for measures aimed at resolving them.
Puede usar un dispositivo llamado escáner para convertir fotografías convencionales en fotografías digitales.
You can use a device called a scanner to convert regular photographs into digital pictures.
Las potencias imperialistas lo niegan y están promoviendo la fabricación de armas nucleares para utilizarlas en guerras convencionales.
The imperialist powers refuse and are promoting the production of nuclear weapons for use in regular wars.
middle-class{adj.} (attitudes, morality)
overground{adj.} [coll.] (mainstream)
straight{adj.} [coll.] (conventional)

Context examples for "convencionalmente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Sin un estatuto uniforme, nuestros colegas nunca obtendrán la protección a la que convencionalmente tienen derecho.
Without a uniform statute, our colleagues will never be given the protection to which they are normally entitled.
Ninguno de los análisis fue convencionalmente significativo.
This review has been withdrawn.