
"confesado" in English

to recognise {vb} [Brit.]
Si confesaban, eran culpables­aunque, naturalmente, redimibles­, pero, si negaban la acusación, eran condenados por sus propias afirmaciones, porque no reconocían su culpabilidad.
If they confessed, they were guilty - but, of course, redeemable - but if they denied the charge, they were condemned out of their own mouths because they failed to recognise their guilt.
Si confesaban, eran culpables ­aunque, naturalmente, redimibles­, pero, si negaban la acusación, eran condenados por sus propias afirmaciones, porque no reconocían su culpabilidad.
If they confessed, they were guilty - but, of course, redeemable - but if they denied the charge, they were condemned out of their own mouths because they failed to recognise their guilt.
to fess up {v.i.} [coll.]
Debo confesar a Su Señoría que el empleo no es el sector concreto de mi especialidad.
I must confess to the honourable Member that employment is not my specific area of expertise.
He de confesar que no soy del todo partidario de los códigos voluntarios.
I have to confess that I am not entirely a fan of voluntary codes.
(HU) El principal poeta húngaro del siglo xx dijo "¡Debemos confesar el pasado!".
(HU) The greatest Hungarian poet of the 20th century said that 'We must confess the past!'
(FR) Ante todo, hay que confesar que esta explicación de voto es difícil.
First of all, I must admit that this explanation of vote is difficult.
Ante todo, hay que confesar que esta explicación de voto es difícil.
First of all, I must admit that this explanation of vote is difficult.
Señor Comisario, le agradezco su respuesta pero debo confesar que me cuesta mucho encontrar la lógica.
Commissioner, thank you for your response, but I must admit I find it hard to grasp the logic of it.
to come clean {v.i.} [fam.] (about sth)
Los cuatro deben analizar detenidamente su pasado, confesar y enseñar a esta nueva Comisión dónde hay que introducir reformas.
All four of them must look carefully at their past, come clean and show this new Commission where reform is needed.
Señor Comisario, tiene usted que confesar de una vez por qué no prevé qué alimentos que no están empaquetados, como la fruta y las verduras, también tengan que ser etiquetados obligatoriamente.
Commissioner, you must finally come clean as to why you are not envisaging that unpacked foodstuffs, in particular fruit and vegetables, should also be compulsorily labelled.
Señoría, he de confesar una cosa: en la vida política las personas están habituadas a interpretar entre líneas lo que se dice.
Mr Korakas, I must make a confession. In political life, people are used to reading between the lines.

Context examples for "confesado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Ha mencionado incluso posibles errores y confesado una posible ingenuidad.
You have even mentioned potential errors, and admitted to possible naivety.
Por ejemplo, para el señor Kang Ho-soon, que al parecer ha confesado haber matado a siete mujeres.
For example, for a Mr Kang Ho-soon, who has reportedly confessed to killing seven women.
Una buena labor por parte de un hombre que ha confesado que solo ha utilizado una lavadora dos veces en su vida.
Good work from a man who has admitted he has only used a washing machine twice in his life.
En primer lugar, ha confesado su propia irresponsabilidad.
Firstly, it has confessed its own irresponsibility.
Los diez hombres han confesado bajo tortura.
All ten men made confessions under torture.
Un carabinero italiano ha confesado; hoy ha sido detenido el número dos del Sismi, el servicio de inteligencia italiano.
An Italian policeman has confessed and today the deputy head of the Sismi, the Italian intelligence service, has been arrested.
Y luego, el señor Batten nos ha confesado que han utilizado el dinero del grupo parlamentario para injerirse en los referenda nacionales.
Then Mr Batten confessed to us that the parliamentary group's money has been used to interfere in national referendums.
La mayoría de los residentes de Pátka han declarado que los vigilantes son inocentes, a pesar de que uno de los sospechosos ha confesado su participación.
Most of the residents of Pátka stand by their claim that the vigilantes are innocent, although one of the suspects has confessed that he was involved.
No, la cuestión es que la Comisión ha confesado muy claramente que todavía no tenemos ni idea de las propuestas legislativas urgentes que puede que tengamos que tratar.
No, the issue here is that the Commission has very clearly conceded that we still have no idea what urgent legislative proposals we may have to deal with.
Quiero informarles que el profesor en cuestión se inventó todo el asunto y ha confesado que no hubo agresión alguna, sino que se autolesionó.
I would like to inform you that the teacher in question invented the whole story and has confessed that he was not the victim of an attack at all but that his wounds were self-inflicted.
Recordemos que uno de los principales testigos ha confesado haber inventado su declaración y que el Tribunal Supremo ha confirmado la condena a pena de muerte de Joseph O'Dell por un solo voto.
We should bear in mind that one of the principal witnesses admitted having made up a statement and that the Supreme Court confirmed Joseph O'Dell's sentencing to death by a single vote.