
"by-catch" in Spanish

"by-catch" in English

Synonyms (English) for "by-catch":
Similar translations for "by-catch" in Spanish
Context examples for "by-catch" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
To put it bluntly, this is a typical case of setting a thief to catch a thief.
En pocas palabras, se trata de un caso típico del dicho «a pillo, pillo y medio».
Many Members, including myself, are not satisfied with the ‘ catch-the-eye’ procedure.
Muchos diputados y yo mismo nos sentimos insatisfechos por el procedimiento de.
The objective was to catch up with the United States economically by 2010.
El objetivo era alcanzar económicamente a los Estados Unidos hasta el año 2010.
Recreational sea anglers account for perhaps 1% of the total catch that remains.
Los pescadores recreativos representan tal vez el 1 % del total de capturas que quedan.
However, overfishing means that, before long, there will be no fish left to catch.
Pero la sobrepesca significa que, dentro de poco tiempo, no quedarán peces.
Madam, you are supposed to talk on the subject under the catch-the-eye procedure.
Señora, se supone que debe hablar sobre el asunto según el procedimiento a mano alzada.
In real terms, the rate per tonne of catch goes up from EUR 20 to EUR 25.
En concreto, se pasa de una cuota de 20 a 25 euros por cada tonelada capturada.
Harassers operating on the Internet are difficult to catch, but it is not impossible.
Es difícil cazar a los acosadores que operan en Internet, pero no imposible.
Giving industry some space to catch up seems justified in my opinion.
Me parece justificado que se conceda cierto margen al sector para su adaptación.
It is no great victory for Irish fishermen, because there will be no fish to catch!
No es una gran victoria para los pescadores irlandeses, porque no habrá peces que pescar.
They make it impossible for the new Member States to catch up with the richer Member States.
Impiden a los nuevos Estados miembros alcanzar a los Estados miembros más ricos.
There is nobody on the catch-the-eye list at this moment. A rule is a rule.
En este momento no hay nadie en la lista de intervenciones y las normas son las normas.
I have done this several times since the catch-the-eye procedure came in.
Lo he hecho en varias ocasiones desde que se implantó el procedimiento catch-the-eye.
[]…and thanks to having good rapporteurs, we have managed to catch up.
– [] … y gracias a que contamos con buenos ponentes, hemos logrado ponernos al día.
Since 1996 the opportunities to catch fish in the area in question have fallen sharply.
Desde 1996, las oportunidades de pesca han disminuido mucho en esas zonas.
If your origami comes into contact with one of these candles, it will catch fire.
Si el origami entra en contacto con una de estas velas, se incendia.
history, is always with you, ready to reach out and catch you — as he
vosotros dispuesto a extender su mano y agarraros -como lo hizo con el apóstol
[ ]… and thanks to having good rapporteurs, we have managed to catch up.
– [ ] … y gracias a que contamos con buenos ponentes, hemos logrado ponernos al día.
Everyday conditions are getting worse, and catch statistics are falling.
Las condiciones cotidianas empeoran y las estadísticas de capturas decaen.
I believe the Commission recognises that by-catch is a global problem.
Creo que la Comisión reconoce que las capturas accidentales son un problema mundial.