
"bolitas" in English

bolitas{feminine plural}
Sin embargo, una cosa esta clara: la bola ahora está en su tejado y les toca jugar.
The ball is now in your court and it is your turn to take action.
Existen tres fichas básicas: bola, bambú y carácter.
There are three basic tiles: Ball, Bamboo, and Character.
Por supuesto, debemos seguir atentos, puesto que no tenemos una bola de cristal para adivinar el futuro.
Of course, we must remain vigilant, as we are not crystal-ball gazers.
bola(also: bocha)
bowl{noun} (in bowls)
dip{noun} [Amer.] (scoop)
piss artist{noun} [Brit.] [vulg.] (drunkard)
scoop{noun} (of ice-cream)
wood{noun} (in bowls)
pellet{noun} (of regurgitated food)
fib{noun} [coll.]
me metió una bola
he told me a fib
bola(also: mentira)
porky{noun} [Brit.] [coll.]
bola(also: ratón)
bola(also: molla)
rumor{noun} [Amer.]
rumour{noun} [Brit.]
snow job{noun} [Amer.] [coll.]

Context examples for "bolitas" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
se me hicieron bolitas en el pullover
my sweater got all balled up
se me hicieron bolitas en el pullover
my sweater went all bobbly
Freír las bolitas de queso en abundante aceite de cacahuete a unos 170 °C, colarlas, retirar el exceso de aceite con papel absorbente y sazonar a gusto.
Fry the pieces of cheese in plenty groundnut oil at about 170°C, drain, dry with absorbent paper and add salt to taste.
hacer bolitas de humo
to blow smoke rings
jugar a las bolitas
to play marbles
Poner en el plato 3 bavaresas, agregar pistachos triturados y completar con 2 bolitas de sorbete de fruta, dejando una de las bavaresas sin cubrir.
Place 3 small bavarois on a plate, add some chopped pistachios to each and top with 2 small balls of fruit sorbet, leaving one of the bavarois plain.