
"bastos" in English

bastos{masculine plural}
clubs{pl} (cards)
basto{adjective masculine}
coarse{adj.} (person)
crude{adj.} (person)
vulgar{adj.} (person)
barbarous{adj.} (accent, taste)
basto(also: grosero)
broad{adj.} (slightly indecent)
No basta con hablar a grandes rasgos de la competitividad de la Unión.
It is not enough to talk in broad terms about the competitiveness of the Union.
¡No basta con un uno por ciento!
In a broad sense, that aspect is education.
Y si no basta con una soberanía nacional estrictamente separada tendremos que aprender a ampliar nuestro campo de visión.
And if this is not possible with a pure and simple disregard for national sovereignty, we should learn to take a broader view.
gross{adj.} (vulgar)
basto(also: rugoso)
rough{adj.} (not smooth)
basto(also: tosco)
rude{adj.} (person)
basto(also: tosco)
rugged{adj.} (unrefined)

Context examples for "bastos" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Bastos y el Sr. Bushill-Matthews, sus aportaciones.
I thank our fellow MEPs Mrs Bastos and Mr Bushill-Matthews for their contributions.
Usted ha insistido en el problema de los Fondos Estructurales a este respecto, señora Bastos.
You stressed the problem of the Structural Funds in this connection, Mrs Bastos.
I therefore believe, Mr President, that we must support Mrs Bastos’s report.
Señor Bastos, estoy de acuerdo con su concepto de las negociaciones equitativas.
Mr Bastos, I agree with your concept of fair negotiations.
This is what the exclusive focus of our concern as regards this report should be.
Por último, vuelvo al informe Bastos sobre la conciliación de la vida profesional, familiar y privada.
Finally, I turn to the Bastos report on reconciling professional, family and private lives.
Quiero dar las gracias a la señora Bastos, que fue la única diputada portuguesa que participó en este proceso.
I would like to thank Mrs Bastos, who was the only Portuguese MEP involved in this process.
Once again, I offer my congratulations to MrsBastos.
SeñoraBastos, tengo muy buena opinión de su informe.
MrsBastos, I think very highly of your report.
Bastos sobre la comunicación de la Comisión: "Plan de acción de la Comisión sobre las capacidades y la movilidad";
(A5-0313/2002) by Mrs Bastos on the Commission's Action Plan for skills and mobility;
Por último, vuelvo al informe Bastos sobre la conciliación de la vida profesional, familiar y privada.
This will certainly be a useful tool to help organisations and may, therefore, increase the quality of the proposals that we receive.
Bastos sobre la conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar.
I would also like to refer very briefly to the report presented by Mrs Bastos on reconciling work and family life.
Mr President, I would like to welcome the Commission's action plan on skills and mobility and Mrs Bastos' report.
Cunha, Coelho, Johan Van Hecke y Bastos, en nombre del Grupo PPE-DE, sobre las inundaciones en Mozambique;
B5-0228/2001 by Mr Cunha, Mr Coelho, Mr Johan Van Hecke and Mrs Bastos, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group: floods in Mozambique;
Muchas gracias, señora Bastos.
Thank you very much, Mrs Bastos.
Como ha dicho ya la señora Bastos, esto no es un instrumento que hay que desarrollar de forma idéntica en toda la Unión Europea.
As Mrs Bastos has already said, this is not an instrument that has to be developed in an identical way throughout the European Union.
Es preciso preparar bastos programas de retorno al país, en los que los Estados europeos participarían de manera voluntaria.
We need to draw up extensive programmes to return these people to their countries, and the European states would participate in these on a voluntary basis.
There are just two issues I would like to highlight, both of which have already been addressed more eloquently by my colleagues Mr Pronk and Mrs Bastos.
Bastos ha apoyado, con toda la razón, el apartado de la resolución que solicita una mayor cooperación entre las universidades y los centros de investigación.
Mrs Bastos rightly upheld the paragraph of the resolution which calls for greater cooperation between universities and research centres.
También ha mencionado usted, señora Bastos, la cuestión del presupuesto que se va a utilizar para la adopción de las medidas propuestas en la comunicación de la Comisión.
The European institutions and the Member States will be kept informed of the group’ s work and of the implementation of its conclusions.