
"at fault" in Spanish

"at fault" in Spanish
at fault{adverb}
culpable{adj. m/f}
It must be the electorate’ s fault, naturally.
Naturalmente, el culpable es el elector.
You were talking as if it was my group's fault that nothing has happened so far.
En cualquier caso, usted ha hablado como si nuestro Grupo fuera culpable de que esto no haya resultado ahora.
It must be the electorate’s fault, naturally.
Naturalmente, el culpable es el elector.

Similar translations for "at fault" in Spanish
Context examples for "at fault" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
If he was not present, it is neither my fault nor that of the Presidency, but his own.
Si no ha estado, no es mi responsabilidad ni la de la Presidencia, sino la suya.
What I now find fault with is that absolutely no remarks were made about my person.
Lo que echo en falta es que no se ha realizado ninguna observación sobre mi persona.
That is not a fault of the parliamentary secretariat; unfortunately it is my mistake.
La culpa no es de la secretaría parlamentaria; desgraciadamente, es culpa mia.
It is the fault of the national governments, because they could not agree.
Es culpa de los gobiernos nacionales, porque no son capaces de ponerse de acuerdo.
It is not its fault that it has taken so long to find its way to the European Union.
No es su culpa que haya encontrado tan tardíamente el camino hacia la Unión Europea.
What I have said is not meant to be controversial: it is not Parliament's fault.
Mi intención no es generar polémica: no es culpa del Parlamento Europeo.
fault do not know anything about Christ or his Church, yet who search for God
conocen el evangelio de Cristo y su Iglesia, pero buscan a Dios con sincero
And it is not the fault of our minister, but of the former socialist government.
Y el problema no viene de nuestra ministra sino del Gobierno socialista.
We should all accept that these problems are not the fault of the Presidency.
Todos debemos reconocer que esos problemas no son culpa de la Presidencia.
They would be able to say to others: look - you cannot do it, you are at fault.
Podrían decir a los otros: mirad, no podéis hacerlo, estáis equivocados.
It is not my fault if you were not at the sitting at the time of the vote.
No es culpa mía que no estuvieran ustedes en el Pleno en el momento de la votación.
That is not the European Parliament's fault, nor is it the Commission's fault.
El Parlamento Europeo no tiene la culpa, y tampoco la tiene la Comisión.
Now, after many years of fault-finding, the Galileo programme moves yet.
Ahora, tras muchos años de críticas, el programa Galileo sin embargo se mueve.
It was also not Ukraine’s fault that it was a Soviet republic in 1963.
Al igual que no fue culpa de Ucrania que en 1963 fuera una república soviética.
Basically this is all meant to be Europe's fault. I do not accept that.
Todo esto significa esencialmente que es culpa de Europa y no puedo aceptarlo.
Finally, this liability must be in proportion to the acknowledged fault.
Por último, esta responsabilidad debe ser proporcional a la falta reconocida.
Mr President, it is not your fault at all but it is an absolute shambles.
Señor Presidente, no es su culpa en absoluta, pero es un auténtico desastre.
These are the fault lines that will eventually tear the European single currency apart.
Estos son los caminos erróneos que, finalmente, acabarán con la moneda única europea.
Relations with Ukraine have not been neglected through Ukraine’s wishes or Ukraine’s fault.
Las relaciones con Ucrania no se han descuidado por deseo o culpa de este país.
That is the fault of all those, including ourselves, who have not told the public the facts.
Es culpa de todos los que no se lo han comunicado, entre ellos, nosotros mismos.