
"anything at all" in Spanish

"anything at all" in Spanish
If they do say anything at all, their views sometimes conflict.
Si dicen cualquier cosa, sus opiniones a veces son contradictorias.
I have not had any discussions with or received any verbal information from the CIETT; we used their study and written documents but I would be more than happy to discuss anything at all with them.
No he mantenido conversaciones ni he recibido información verbal de la CIETT; utilizamos su estudio y sus documentos escritos, pero nos encantaría discutir cualquier cosa con ellos.
We can therefore choose to be pessimists and not do anything at all.
Podemos elegir el pesimismo y no hacer nada en absoluto.
As far as I can tell there is no plan to do anything at all and that is disgraceful.
Por lo que sé no existe ningún plan para hacer nada en absoluto, lo cual es una vergüenza.
They do not reflect anything at all in the Treaty.
No reflejan nada en absoluto que esté recogido en el Tratado.

Similar translations for "anything at all" in Spanish
Context examples for "anything at all" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
They thereby make it clear that they have not learnt anything at all from history.
Lo único que demuestran así es que no han aprendido nada de la historia.
The Council and the Commission are not doing enough, if anything at all.
El Consejo y la Comisión no hacen nada o lo que hacen resulta insuficiente.
As far as I can tell there is no plan to do anything at all and that is disgraceful.
Por lo que sé no existe ningún plan para hacer nada en absoluto, lo cual es una vergüenza.
Personally, I doubt it has anything at all to do with the genuine good of working people.
Personalmente, dudo de que tenga algo que ver con el bien genuino de los trabajadores.
And it will take NATO another six months to get round to doing anything at all.
La OTAN necesita otros seis meses antes de decidirse a hacer algo.
I very much doubt whether anything at all will be achieved by admonishments and pleadings.
Apenas creo que las amonestaciones y los alegatos puedan hacer algo en favor de la paz.
I am frankly surprised the Presidency has anything at all to report to us from the summit.
Francamente, me sorprende que la Presidencia tenga algo que comunicarnos sobre la cumbre.
All this does not mean that we cannot do anything at all for Tajikistan.
Todo esto no significa que no podamos hacer nada por Tayikistán.
The sound quality is so poor that we cannot hear anything at all!
La calidad del sonido es tan ínfima que no se oye prácticamente nada.
I do not believe that this has anything, anything at all to do with it.
Creo que esto no tiene nada que ver, nada que ver en absoluto.
If they do say anything at all, their views sometimes conflict.
Si dicen cualquier cosa, sus opiniones a veces son contradictorias.
If there is no tuna, they are not going to be able to do anything at all.
Si no hay atún no van a poder hacer absolutamente nada.
There was absolutely no mention of equality, 'mainstreaming' or anything at all along those lines.
No se hacía ninguna mención a la igualdad o dimensión de género, ni a nada que se le pareciera.
There was absolutely no mention of equality, 'mainstreaming ' or anything at all along those lines.
No se hacía ninguna mención a la igualdad o dimensión de género, ni a nada que se le pareciera.
We have been criticised in public for doing anything at all.
Se nos ha criticado públicamente por no hacer absolutamente nada.
There was hardly anything at all, other than declarations.
Y yo sí puedo enseñar lo que hemos hecho durante estos cuatro años.
In our opinion, no one believes they are to blame for anything at all.
En nuestra opinión, nadie cree tener la culpa de nada.
We do not see anything and we do not say anything at all on the matter.
Nosotros no vemos nada y no decimos nada al respecto.
We can therefore choose to be pessimists and not do anything at all.
Podemos elegir el pesimismo y no hacer nada en absoluto.
No European state can rejoice that instead of taking action they need hardly do anything at all.
Ningún Estado europeo puede alegrarse de quedarse sin hacer nada en absoluto, en lugar de tomar medidas.