
"zero-rated" in Spanish

"zero-rated" in English

Context examples for "zero-rated" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
At that time, it was finally agreed that wine would be zero rated.
En ese momento se acordó finalmente que el vino tendría un tipo cero.
(Applause) If enlargement cannot be zero-rated financially, the same is true politically.
(Aplausos) Si financieramente no se puede realizar la ampliación gratuitamente, políticamente tampoco.
Mrs Randzio-Plath mentioned children's shoes, which are zero-rated in the United Kingdom and Ireland.
La Sra. Randzio-Plath ha mencionado el calzado infantil, que tiene el tipo cero en el Reino Unido e Irlanda.
At present, export refunds are zero rated due to the strength in global dairy markets.
En la actualidad se aplica un tipo cero a las restituciones a la exportación, debido a la fortaleza de los mercados lácteos internacionales.