
"with himself" in Spanish

"with himself" in Spanish
Christ, the Father has reconciled to Himself all creatures, those in heaven and
cuando escribe que en Él, el Padre, ha reconciliado consigo todas las
death and resurrection, will take us to himself in order to present us to
muerte y resurrección, nos tomará consigo para ponernos en
"God in Christ was reconciling the world to himself" (2 Cor 5:19)
«En Cristo estaba Dios reconciliando al mundo consigo» (2 Co 5, 19).
with himself{pronoun}
I believe that a rapporteur should be honest with his fellow Members and with himself.
Considero que un ponente debería tener un poco de lealtad para con sus colegas y para consigo mismo.
I look forward to returning to the debate and I hope Mr Jarzembowski is happy with himself because I am not sure that I am.
Jarzembowski esté contento consigo mismo, porque yo no estoy seguro de poder estarlo.

Similar translations for "with himself" in Spanish
Context examples for "with himself" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Mr Galeote Quecedo makes the same point himself in his explanatory statement.
Esta información la proporciona el mismo señor Galeote Quecedo en su comentario.
I would also like to compliment Mr Toubon himself on the preparation of his report.
También me gustaría felicitar al señor Toubon por la preparación de su informe.
today no-one should delude himself about resolving the vocations crisis by going
con resolver la crisis vocacional vagando de un lado a otro, porque el Señor
Mr de Lassus himself mentions the case of ultra-peripheral and island regions.
El Sr. De Lassus menciona el caso de las regiones ultraperiféricas y de las islas.
As Commissioner Verheugen himself says, this is a modern and progressive proposal.
Como ha dicho el mismo Comisario Verheugen, es una propuesta moderna y progresista.
Before making any decision, Martin Luther King used to ask himself: ‘Is it right?’
Antes de cualquier decisión, Martin Luther King solía preguntarse: ¿es justo?
At the same time, Jesus went out Himself to encounter various men and women.
Pero también Jesús se adelanta y sale al encuentro de muchos hombres y mujeres.
the mystery of life and of the love of God himself, the Church knows that she
misterio de la vida y del amor del mismo Dios, la Iglesia sabe que ha recibido
God the Father proclaims himself as the everlastingly changeless and faithful Lord.
Dios el Padre dice de sí mismo que es el eterno y fiel Señor sin sombra de cambio.
The Commissioner himself has already outlined the important issues at stake.
El propio Comisario ha destacado ya los importantes asuntos que están en juego.
Mr Strauss-Kahn himself said that he may be the last European to head the IMF.
El propio Strauss-Kahn dijo que quizás él sería el último europeo en dirigir el FMI.
The priest was able to give Pedro absolution before he himself was killed.
El sacerdote le dio a Pedro la absolución antes de que él mismo fuera asesinado.
Christ himself, our Master, the will that Jesus stated on several occasions but
del mismo Jesucristo, nuestro Maestro, afirmada varias veces y expresada de
that love itself; charity in fact is of God in such a way that God himself is
mayor al mismo amor; en efecto, la caridad proviene de Dios de tal manera que
The Member you have quoted is not here to answer you or to defend himself...
El colega que ha mencionado no está aquí para contestarle y para defenderse...
Every intelligent general should ask himself this question: what is the objective?
Todo general inteligente debe hacerse estas preguntas: ¿Cuál es el objetivo?
President Yushchenko set himself that target, and he certainly achieved it.
El Presidente Yúschenko se había marcado ese objetivo y sin duda lo ha logrado.
He had all the information and for understandable reasons he kept it to himself.
Él disponía de toda la información y por motivos comprensibles, se la reservó para él.
This view has just been confirmed by the President of the Commission himself.
Esta visión acaba de ser confirmada por el propio Presidente de la Comisión.
The Commissioner himself acknowledges that it contains a lot of very broad proposals.
El Comisario mismo ha reconocido que contiene muchas propuestas muy generales.